
Showing posts from September, 2008


NEW YORK ( -- Stocks skidded Monday afternoon, with the Dow's nearly 778-point drop being the worst single-day point loss ever, after the House rejected the government's $700 billion bank bailout plan. Stocks tumbled ahead of the vote and the selling accelerated on fears that Congress would not be able come up with a fix for nearly frozen credit markets. The frozen markets mean banks are hoarding cash, making it difficult for businesses and individuals to get much-needed loans. ( Full story ) According to preliminary tallies, the Dow Jones industrial average ( INDU ) lost 777.68, surpassing the 684.81 loss on Sept. 17, 2001 - the first trading day after the September 11 attacks. However the 7% decline does not rank among the top 10 percentage declines. The Standard & Poor's 500 ( SPX ) index was down 8.7% and the Nasdaq composite ( COMP ) 9.1%. "The stock market was definitely taken by surprise," said Drew Kanaly, chairman and CEO of Kanaly Trust

CIA, Mossad behind Damascus bombing

A senior Lebanese cleric has accused CIA and Mossad of masterminding a bombing in the Syrian capital of Damascus that killed 17 people. Sheikh Ahmad Abdel Amir Kabalan, the deputy head of Lebanon's High Shia Council, also said that it was possible some Arab countries collaborated with the US and Israel in the plot. The bombing that took place in a southern suburb of Damascus on Saturday left at least 17 people dead and 14 others wounded. Kabalan said the terrorist attack was part of a bigger scheme to destabilize Syria and the entire Middle East region. He did not rule out the possibility that certain Arab countries which see the recent developments in the Middle East against their interests, had a hand in the blast. The bombing was the deadliest terror attack in Syria in nearly three decades. Just the tip of the iceberg my friends. I'm sure the media will write this guy off as a 'crazy terrorist'.

This Joke is on you; nine dead in finnish college shooting!

A man opened fire at a college in southwestern Finland Tuesday, killing at least nine students, officials said. The shooter then tried to kill himself but was not successful, Antti Rantakokko, the mayor of Kauha joki where the shooting occurred, reported. Several other people were wounded in the attack, but officials could not immediately say how many. "We can't tell you exactly how many people are in bad condition," the mayor said. "We don't have the numbers yet." The shots were reported at a college for home- and institutional-economics in the municipality of Kauha joki , according to YLE, a Finnish national broadcaster. A 22-year-old student of the school walked into a classroom full of students who were taking a test, and opened fire about 11 a.m ., YLE said. Jukka Forsberg, a maintenance worker at the school, said the man was wearing a ski mask and walked into the building with a large bag, the agency said. About 150 students were on campus at the tim

tony blair is a robot?

Definitely not normal eyes if you ask me.. Check it out for yourself.

Blink 182 crash an occult hit?

A man who came across a fiery jet crash said he saw former Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker and disc jockey Adam "DJ AM" Goldstein trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies by ripping off their clothing. "We turned to the jet to try and see if there was anything we could do, but immediately, there was nothing anyone could do," William Owens told CNN affiliate WIS in Columbia, South Carolina. "I felt ill or sick to think that these lives were snuffed out at that point." The two men were in critical condition with extensive burns Saturday. The crash killed four other people on board, authorities said. The Learjet 60 carrying six people, including Barker and Goldstein, was taking off from the Columbia Metropolitan Airport in South Carolina on Friday night when it went off the runway. The plane crashed through light towers and an antenna array before crossing a road and stopping at an embankment, authorities said. Owens came across the plane wreck while


Stephen hawking has strange new way to tell time.

Prof Stephen Hawking is to unveil a remarkable £1 million clock with no hands that pays tribute to the world's greatest clockmaker.One clock made by the legendary John Harrison, the pioneer of longitude, took 36 years to build and he was still calibrating it when he died at his home in London on March 24, 1776, his 83rd birthday. One clock made by the legendary John Harrison, the pioneer of longitude, took 36 years to build and he was still calibrating it when he died at his home in London on March 24, 1776, his 83rd birthday. The Chronophage " hypnotises the watcher with its perpetual motion, punctuated by an extraordinary repertoire of slow blinks, jaw-snaps and stings from its tail ," says Dr Taylor. The Corpus Clock, a true mechanical mechanism, which is wound up by an electric motor, has no hands. "It is a new way to show time, with light," said Dr Taylor. The clock has no digital numbers, either, but instead a series of slits cut into the face, each a te

WTC monolith memorial revealed.

Tridents They are Obsessed with reflecting pools. The theme of the day at the press conference to unveil the new design of the September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion : "appropriate scale." That's architect-speak for "the thing's much smaller now"—or, as Snohetta architect Craig Dykers put it, "With the new Pavilion, we strived to create a building that's an appropriate scale to its surrounding without overwhelming the experience with a more singular or monolithic form." Super! Sure thing! Tinyriffic! Anyway, that's the redesigned pavilion, there at middle left between the north and south waterfall pools. The day's other big reveal: that primary access from the Pavilion to the September 11 museum, which is mostly below-ground, will come courtesy of a sloping floor that creates a continuous room between and ground level to the museum below. All that, and more, revealed in the photo gallery above. Still to come: construction up

Is amy winehouse mind-controlled?

Amy Winehouse cut a tragic figure last night as she stumbled through the streets of Camden looking worse than ever. The singer, who has largely keep out of public view in recent weeks, was a guest DJ at her local pub the Monarch , where she emerged in a dishevelled, bleary-eyed state. She arrived more than two hours late for her Snakehips session alongside DJ Bioux. The organisers were forced to announce: 'Miss Winehouse is sorry she will be late.' But this did little to appease an already angry audience. A source revealed: 'The pub was packed at first, until people started to get restless. Many decided to leave before Amy arrived, which left the pub looking quite empty. 'She didn't greet the crowd when she finally appeared. After playing two songs, she mumbled into the mic, "thanks for coming down, much obliged".' She appeared distracted through out the brief set as she chatted to her close pal, musician Alex Wood."

Best Mind-control tshirt ever..

I picked this up at a store near my house, since the design blew my mind. Support artists that understand illuminati/mind-control. The company is Cake Clothing .

Pentagon 9/11 Ritual memorial goes live.

Adjacent to the Pentagon crash site, the memorial contains 184 units placed parallel with the trajectory of American Airlines Flight 77. Each cantilevered, stainless steel memorial unit hovers over a pool of water that lights up during the night. dawn of the dead..

9/11 Twin Tower Collapse Provides Data For Building Better Fusion Reactors - lol

Scientists say an understanding of how the Twin Towers collapsed will help them develop the materials needed to build fusion reactors. New research shows how steel will fail at high temperatures because of the magnetic properties of the metal. The New York buildings fell when their steel backbones lost strength in the fires that followed the plane impacts. Dr Sergei Dudarev told the British Association Science Festival that improved steels were now being sought. The principal scientist at the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) said one of the first applications for these better performing metals would be in the wall linings of fusion reactors where temperatures would be in a similar range to those experienced in the Twin Towers' fires. 'Not melting' The key advance is the understanding that, at high temperatures, tiny irregularities in a steel's structure can disrupt its internal magnetic fields, making the rigid metal soft. "Steels melt at about 1,150C

Wizard war, o'reilly vs. obama

Wow, these two are so good at miss-direction and dodging questions nothing gets answered.

The real face of mccain.

Picture says 1,000 words they say..

Fall guy abramoff takes one for the team.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff was sentenced to four years in federal prison Thursday for his corrupt lobbying activities, which led to the downfalls of a congressman and several other Washington officials. Choking back tears, Abramoff delivered a highly emotional plea for the judge to exercise leniency, but readily admitted he had done wrong. "I stand before you a broken man," he said during the two-hour sentencing hearing. "I am not the same man." Abramoff has served 22 months in prison on a separate conviction involving casinos in Florida. The judge said that the new four-year term will run concurrently with the remainder of that sentence. -I'm sure he wasn't a saint, but he is only a patsy for a much larger scandal.

sarah palin is hitler.


Edwards was father of the year in 2007.

Interesting symbolism in his "story". I nominate him today for Brother of the year 2008.