Fall guy abramoff takes one for the team.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff was sentenced to four years in federal prison Thursday for his corrupt lobbying activities, which led to the downfalls of a congressman and several other Washington officials.

Choking back tears, Abramoff delivered a highly emotional plea for the judge to exercise leniency, but readily admitted he had done wrong.

"I stand before you a broken man," he said during the two-hour sentencing hearing. "I am not the same man."

Abramoff has served 22 months in prison on a separate conviction involving casinos in Florida. The judge said that the new four-year term will run concurrently with the remainder of that sentence.
-I'm sure he wasn't a saint, but he is only a patsy for a much larger scandal.


Michael Skaggs said…
Exactly, patsy and distraction, and lets not forget a pressure valve, people (sheeple) will see this and say "oh see they are cleaning up" though one patsy getting punished does not mean a clean up. We need a total breakdown and restart is what we need...lobbyists will never end unless we get big business out of Congress. Nice post!

22 months huh? Odd.
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