
They are Obsessed with reflecting pools.

The theme of the day at the press conference to unveil the new design of the
September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion: "appropriate scale." That's architect-speak for "the thing's much smaller now"—or, as Snohetta architect Craig Dykers put it, "With the new Pavilion, we strived to create a building that's an appropriate scale to its surrounding without overwhelming the experience with a more singular or
monolithic form." Super! Sure thing! Tinyriffic! Anyway, that's the redesigned pavilion, there at middle left between the north and south waterfall pools.
The day's other big reveal: that primary access from the Pavilion to the September 11 museum, which is mostly below-ground, will come courtesy of a sloping floor that creates a continuous room between and ground level to the museum below. All that, and more, revealed in the photo gallery above. Still to come: construction updates from the slurry wall and beyond!