WTC monolith memorial revealed.


They are Obsessed with reflecting pools.

The theme of the day at the press conference to unveil the new design of the September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion: "appropriate scale." That's architect-speak for "the thing's much smaller now"—or, as Snohetta architect Craig Dykers put it, "With the new Pavilion, we strived to create a building that's an appropriate scale to its surrounding without overwhelming the experience with a more singular or monolithic form." Super! Sure thing! Tinyriffic! Anyway, that's the redesigned pavilion, there at middle left between the north and south waterfall pools.

The day's other big reveal: that primary access from the Pavilion to the September 11 museum, which is mostly below-ground, will come courtesy of a sloping floor that creates a continuous room between and ground level to the museum below. All that, and more, revealed in the photo gallery above. Still to come: construction updates from the slurry wall and beyond!


reflection pools ehh? "as above, so below"

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