Barack Obama's fake birth certificate and mysterious orgins.

So this is a copy of Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate, that was sent to the LA times directly from his campaign. You can view it directly on the obama website.

• Where is the embossed seal and the registrar’s signature?

• Comparing it to other Hawaii birth certificates, the color shade is different.

• Isn’t the date stamp bleeding through the back of the document “June 2007?” (Odd since it was supposedly released in June 2008.)

• There’s no crease from being folded and mailed.

• It’s clearly Photoshopped and a wholesale fraud.

* Hawaii never has referred to race as "African" they instead use "Negro" in 1961

This is what is should look like.

1. Barack Obama was likely born in Honolulu, the hospital still unknown for some reason (WHY won’t he say?), on Aug. 4, 1961. A birth announcement in the newspaper has been found by one of our researchers*. It looks like this:

2. Although this announcement suggests his parents were married, that’s still an open question. I still don’t know why Michelle Obama recently declared that Barack’s mother was “very single” when she had him.

3. Although it’s possible that a birth certificate filed by Barack’s grandparents (while he was born someplace else) led to this newspaper announcement, I personally think that’s unlikely.

4. His legal name at birth was Barack Hussein Obama II. He acquired dual citizenship (Kenyan and US) at birth.

5. His father didn’t stick around. On a related note, have you noticed that there are no photos of Obama as an infant?

6. His mother traveled from Honolulu to wherever-the-hell Barack Sr. was because she genuinely believed that they were going to live together as a family; she chased her dream. On her way there, she passed through Mercer Island.

7. But realizing that Barack Sr. had moved on, Stanley Ann Dunham enrolled at the Univ. of Washington for the 1962 Spring Quarter. That turned out to be overwhelming, and she eventually returned to Honolulu and re-enrolled at UH, where she met her second husband, an Indonesian national.

8. Ann’s mother acquired Indonesian citizenship when she married Soertoro.

9. Barack Obama acquired Indonesian citizenship, and possibly was adopted by Soertoro, maybe not.

10. Not only was Barack Obama officially an Indonesian citizen, he also was a registered “muslim.” Again, I don’t care whether he was or wasn’t, except that he professes that he’s “always been Christian,” which I believe to be a false statement.

11. Barack Obama’s original birth certificate likely contains something that embarrasses him, or something that could be problematic for him legally, such as an indication of dual nationality. I STILL think he needs to produce a hard copy of the original Birth Certificate, or he looks like he’s hiding something.

12. The COLB on Smears and Kos has been altered, but probably reflects Obama’s true birth certificate. The way the COLB was handled and its suspicious presentation was designed to serve as a diversion from the can of worms Obama doesn’t want anyone to open.

Some more people are investigating the issue, HERE

My new favorite website.

What does this all mean? His whole life is an illusion, he may not have been born in the US! The guy is a complete fraud, who knows what bloodlines were used to create him.


Axinar said…
Well ... here's the question ...

If someone could produce credible evidence that Obama was born outside the US, and is ultimately elected, where do we go to complain?
aferrismoon said…
Is this where Hillary steps in?
And his mum's called 'Stanley'? Maybe if he was born out of the country and they let it pass Ahhnie will be able to becomes Ze President
aferrismoon said…
Also u posted this at 1.19 and Axinar commented at 11.19
Why is he named Barack H. Obama II and not Barack H. Obama, Jr. "II" is when a person is named after someone other than their father. Junior is used when someone is named after their father.
Anonymous said…
Dear American People,

Hello. I will not be giving you my real information, as it needs to remain secret - at least until after our plan is enacted. I am a Top Executive at the Democratic National Committee. I can tell you this. What you have have been suspecting is true - Barack Obama was not actually born in Hawaii. The document that we have provided him to show as his birth certificate is not authentic; it was created in our experimental laboratories at the DNC's World Headquarters in Saudi Arabia. This experimental lab - and, this may be quite shocking - this lab is where Barack Obama himself was also created, almost 48 years ago, as part of PROJECT FLAGBURN.

Yes, we had been trying for years, using the latest technology, to create the perfect candidate to enforce our liberal agenda. In the fall of 1960, we were finally successful, in our ninth try, in using recombinant DNA and artificial insemination to inject our carefully-crafted genetic material into an electronic womb (by bubbling Argon gas through radioactive stem cells). As the BARACK9 grew, we fed it nutrients infused with "Memory Cells" culled from the brainstems of famous left-wingers such as Adlai Stevenson, Bertrand Russell, and Ambrose Bierce - guaranteed to transmit our policies and doctrines into its growing brain. We radioactively stimulated the liberal centers of the brain and implanted radio-controlled microchips into its cerebellum.

Here at the DNC, we detest nationalism, pride, the Christian religion, and our troops. We have decided that a hybrid of Communism and Islam would be a much better system for our country. As BARACK9 grew up, we taught it to have these values as well. When the time was right, we entered it into politics, controlling its brain with our "Brain-Control Device". We also were responsible for 9/11, the financial crisis, and other key events to ensure that George Bush has a low approval rating. Now, the time has come. Soon BARACK9 will be voted in as the head of the most powerful country on earth. You will soon have a President named Barack Hussein Obama, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. As his first act, Barack Obama will issue the following executive orders:

1. All flags will be replaced with pictures of Barack Obama's face
2. All personal property and land of registered Republicans will be forfeit to the state
3. All churches, pictures of Jesus Christ, and religious iconography will be destroyed immediately. All mentions of the Christian religion will be punished by death
4. Everybody must wear a turban at all times and pray to Mecca 12 times a day
5. Arabic will now be the official United States language
6. The country will be renamed to The Islamic Communist Republic of Ameristan
7. All white people must issue public apologies to minorities for former misdeeds of their race. The jobs and money of Whites will be offered to blacks, muslims, and atheists as punishment.
8. White women will be offered as brides to black muslim men who get first priority of choosing up to ten wives. Whites will be put into forced labor camps for one year to show them what slavery was like
9. All heterosexuals must issue public apologies to gays and lesbians. In order to increase sensitivity to homosexual issues, they will be incarcerated for one month with a homosexual member of the same sex who is allowed to use them as seen fit.
10. Republicans will be branded with a R on their forehead and must kiss the buttocks of a liberal whenever requested to do so

I am only divulging this because there is nothing which can be done about it at this point. We initially saw Sarah Palin as an immense threat to our cause, but we have launched a huge and successful disinformational smear campaign against her which has neutralized her influences.

Prepare for your new leadership to begin on January 20!
DNC Top Executive "John"

PS - for more information, visit
Kelly Williams said…
Hahaha, oh my gosh. This is the funniest thing I have ever read. Thank you Kevin.
Anonymous said…
I'll have you know I was hatched from a cocoon. And there is absolutely nothing fraudulent about me.

-- Fake Barack Obama

BTW, if you tell me your home address I will send over NSA goons, I mean stop by and clear things up.

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