That is the logo for " vsa partners " who designed the Obama campaign logo. It certainly is representative of the Masonic Compass "as above so below". The "S" acts as an interwoven serpent. The funny thing is, the designers' name is Sol Sender. Literally, he is the sender of the SUN/LIGHT. Sol Sender, who led the creative development of the Obama ’08 campaign logo, has joined VSA Partners as a strategist. As principal of the design agency Sender LLC, Sender developed the design strategy and directed a team of designers that created the defining symbol of the 2008 campaign. The Obama ’08 assignment began in late 2006, when Sender’s firm was hired by MODE, a Chicago-based motion design studio with an existing relationship with David Axelrod, the Obama campaign’s chief strategist. Given two weeks to develop design options, Sender and two designers—Andy Keene and Amanda Gentry—produced multiple logos for consideration by the campaign, including a versio...
Anything having to do with Stairways is symbolic of Freemasonry.
I would love to go to NYC when they have all this set up and see the symbolism they surround the stairs with. I bet that would be a revelatory moment.
We're still seeing the same things!!!
So much Bliss,
recall when Bush read out all 3000+ names of those who died in 9-11, I started watching it live, and realising how excruciating it would be / that it was actually like he was reading from the Necronomicon (ie - all the deads' names), just thought 'nah you're on your own there' and watched something else or turned off the TV.
btw, does anyone else think of Cthulhu-language when they type in the 'word verification' for these comments..