Masonic agency that developed the OBAMA logo.

That is the logo for "vsa partners" who designed the Obama campaign logo. It certainly is representative of the Masonic Compass "as above so below". The "S" acts as an interwoven serpent. The funny thing is, the designers' name is Sol Sender. Literally, he is the sender of the SUN/LIGHT.

Sol Sender, who led the creative development of the Obama ’08 campaign logo, has joined VSA Partners as a strategist. As principal of the design agency Sender LLC, Sender developed the design strategy and directed a team of designers that created the defining symbol of the 2008 campaign.
The Obama ’08 assignment began in late 2006, when Sender’s firm was hired by MODE, a Chicago-based motion design studio with an existing relationship with David Axelrod, the Obama campaign’s chief strategist.
Given two weeks to develop design options, Sender and two designers—Andy Keene and Amanda Gentry—produced multiple logos for consideration by the campaign, including a version of the now-famous “O” mark—a landscape in which of blue and red are united within the candidate’s last-name initial. The team’s refined Obama ‘08 logo made its official debut on February 10, 2007, when (then) Senator Barack Obama announced his candidacy for president in Springfield, Il.
In the video below, Sender tells the story of conception and birth of the Obama ’08 logo, including the strategy behind it, developmental concepts and finalist designs for the identity not chosen by the campaign.
The governor is a high mason in Vermont.
Nice post!
The founders of our nation (a majority of who are Masons belonging to the Masonic Order)came to create a nation where GOD is not part of the culture. That's why they say they will not allow any new member into their Order unless they believe in "something". Doesn't matter if it's Apollo, Dionysis, Satan, Peter Pan, Jesus, or Capt. Kangaroo. Just so long as they believe. Don't matter if it's the "one true GOD" or not.
What they didn't believe in was freedom for the black race. They preached "freedom, freedom", but didn't have any to give to those poor souls.
Bunch of f***ing hypocrites, if you ask me. Now, they rule the world.
ObombA bastard is a Jew sock puppet and a whoreson born in Kenya of a CIA whore whose main directive was to screw Negroes to find out Communist secrets. Barky was the result and he may never know who his daddy is unless they give DNA tests to all of the Kenyan Male population.
We are quickly approaching economic meltdown and WWIII due to Jews.
It will get to the point of cannibalism after you eat your pets.
Then Russia will hit us and you will become but dust in the wind.
You let the Jews keep living here. You have nobody to blame but yourself.
And Wow, Kosherbacon.
Sol Sender claims originality for the Obama logo but I wonder...
And don't forget, no matter the interview here, and the equivocation, it was after all, business! They didn't do it for patriotism or pride of crazy obama. I wonder how many millions the man and his firm, got!
I'm glad I read the handwriting on the wall, before hand.
How soon will the luster wear off?
Now over one year in a divorce and a custody litigation where my husband has taken my children and everything in our marriage bit by bit from me, puzzle pieces to unanswered questions are falling into place.
I have seen corruption in the courts. Lawyers acting unethically or not at all, one after the other, 6 now each the same. Mason sitting side Judge, mason father in politics, father in law a high mason in another state died in 4/08,dieing words for my husband to join and he did. The state never looked at abuse and domestic violence in the home. Always the ball dropping.
The ability of the masonic brotherhood to surpass justice, laws and procedures have made it so, I have no legal and physical rights to our 7 & 9 yo children still Temporary but I worry with the great case I have and their professional reputations on the line what can I do? Even with a court order for me to be able to have time with our children this group has been able to carry and wield their power. They have effected 5 lawyers and now the 6th is loosing strength to fight.
The issue is the children's rights to have relationship with their mother and their emotional welfare. This is outright abuse. The State systems turn their cheek. Records and evidence have become changed and lost. The St Troopers call it Suspicious, but the local police possibly biased to some players. Serious concerns for my childrens welfare have been clouded over by falsehoods, lies and hearsay of purporting ridiculous reasons to justify their despicable actions. Major professionals and criminal hacks build their team.
Murders are inocent until proven guilty. I have no crime or act in my soul, heart or mind as well as in the law or in society. Just a loving Mother trying to protect her Children and herself from domestic violence and abuse.
$8000.00 for the new lawyer 1st 4 weeks and no motion to see my kids. Doesn't even remember the emails of facts of the motions to help right it.
What do these people do? How deep are they? Who can help that is trustworthy? Can anyone help to think of how to fight this? Does it take a movement?
Imagine my 7 & 9 year old sons have been told they are never going to see their mother again, this is true, they told me, scares s...T.....l...s!
I live a block away from my marital home.
Their only concern is that when the children did get to see me or speak to me in trust, that their lies will become reviled. This scares the power mongers, as they do not want the truth to come present. They have not even allowed my to have a parent teacher conference at school or to be able to go to the school or to volunteer. I substitute teach in other schools and am a nurse by trade. They are in the process of denying me further telephone call contact, from 7 to 5 days and they hoped for 3.
Do I go to the media? Who in the media is not of them? How can I get any Justice, here in VT? : women's shox R4 : nike shox R5 : nike shox : womens shox : nike shox : nike shox : womens shox : nike tl3 : mens nike tl3 : women's tl3 : nike trainers : nike shoes : cheap polo shirts : polo shirt : lacoste polo shirts : ralph lauren polo shirts : wholesale polo shirts : Yellow Polo Shirt : Men's Polo Shirts : Wholesale Polo Shirts : polo shirts : Lacoste polo shirts : chaussure puma : chaussures puma