Moon Bomb "Shadow" HOAX?

NASA said Friday's rocket and satellite strike on the moon was a success, kicking up enough dust for scientists to determine whether or not there is water on the moon. "We have the data we need to actually address the questions we set out to address," said Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator for the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, mission.

It will be awhile before all the data from the satellite can be analyzed to determine if there is water on the moon, according to LCROSS project manager Dan Andrews.

Andrews said that "the spacecraft performed beautifully."

NASA crashed the rocket and a satellite into the moon's surface on Friday morning in a $79 million mission.

NASA televised live images of the LCROSS as it crashed into a crater near the moon's south pole. Minutes before its impact, the satellite guided a rocket into the Cabeus crater in an effort to kick up enough dust to help the LCROSS find whether there is any water in the moon's soil. The Centaur upper-stage rocket impacted the moon shortly after 7:30 a.m. ET, and the satellite followed it four minutes later (7:37am).

The LCROSS carried spectrometers, near-infrared cameras, a visible camera and a visible radiometer to help NASA scientists analyze the resulting plumes of dust -- more than 250 metric tons' worth -- for water vapor.

But immediate NASA images of the crash produced no sign of the plumes, which were expected to rise six kilometers from the moon's surface, said John Marmie, LCROSS deputy project manager.

"Everyone was like, 'What's happening here?' " Marmie said. "But that doesn't mean we don't have good data there."

Observatories on Earth did confirm they saw plumes after the crashes, Marmie said. The orbiting Hubble Space Telescope and NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter photographed the impacts. Meanwhile, hundreds of telescopes on Earth focused on the moon, hoping to catch a glimpse of two plumes.

The Cabeus crater lies in permanent shadow, making observations inside the crater difficult.

NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver, who watched at a public event at the Newseum in Washington, noted the great interest in the NASA mission.

"We had families ... literally coming in off the street" to watch, Garver said on NASA TV. NASA had encouraged amateur astronomers to join the watch parties.

"We expect the debris plumes to be visible through midsized backyard telescopes -- 10 inches and larger," said Brian Day at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, before the strike. Day is an amateur astronomer who is leading education and public outreach for the LCROSS mission.

Ames -- which led the mission -- hosted an all-night event featuring music and food before the broadcast of NASA's live transmission of the lunar impact.

Other science observatories and amateur astronomy clubs across the country hosted similar events. "The initial explosions will probably be hidden behind crater walls, but the plumes will rise high enough above the crater's rim to be seen from Earth," Day said (THIS IS THE PRELIMINARY "HIDDEN IN SHADOWS THEORY PRESENTED TO US, YEAH RIGHT). Data from previous space missions have revealed trace amounts of water in lunar soil. The LCROSS mission seeks a definitive answer to the question of how much water is present. NASA has said it believes water on the moon could be a valuable resource in the agency's quest to explore the solar system.

LCROSS launched with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter aboard an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on June 18.

This crappy 2 frames a second video isn't very convincing. So where are the photos of the 6 kilometer plumes?
Covering up more information from nasa, is this much bigger story:

Obama's win unique among presidents

Thanks to Todd Campbell for this Gem about the truth behind the "Nobel Peace Prize".

...Nominations for the prize had to be postmarked by February 1 -- only 12 days after Obama took office. The committee sent out its solicitation for nominations last September -- two months before Obama was elected president. (this info has since been omitted from all the front page stories)


I don't believe the pictures shown of the "impact" are real.

But, here's the problem I have with the way you related it to Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize: At what point is it overkill. My personal opinion of Obama is that he's like some cyborg prototype or something. It's crazy I know, but my opinion, lol.
But...the constant attacks on him are OD at this point like this dude can't even order a hotdog without a one hour roundtable of people hating. It's overkill.
He got the Nobel Peace Prize because the people of the world believe he's different from Bush and they want to encourage the US to consider peace after eight years of savagery.
I hear ya, about the overkill on hate of the current POTUS. I think, though, that is his reason for being there. It's almost cartoonish, the way he is doing everything to tick everyone off. It's almost too good, for rivals, for the next election. Can we say "President Scharzenegger". LOL! Just my humble opinion.
Unknown said…
I agree with your sentiment here. This whole thing is a bunch of bullshit.

Also consider the fact that we having the worst recessions since the why are we spending money on Moon exploration, when people don't have jobs? Obviously they don't care about us. Sick Elite.
CDH-It is cartoonish. I don't know who the guru is that teaches politicians how to talk and how to think but they need to physically kick him in the ass until he dies and find another track. Obama goes out of his way to just not say things conversationally. For someone who is supposed to be so cool and hip, why can't he talk like a regular person and explain himself? And then to compound it, he has Robert Gibbs as a mouthpiece when Robert Gibbs mumbles, talks slow, litters his responses with "ummm", "ahhhh", "welll, uhhhh" so much you can't even follow what in hell he's talking about.
The old Democratic tradition of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Can we say "President Scharzenegger"? Yes...and vice President Malkin.

DarkStar88 - It's all bullshit. And its strategic bullshit. Bailed out banks have the nerve to be giving out huge "bonuses" again, and the politicians are wring their hands in puzzlement about what to do while these bailouts were supposed to be LOANS. Their creditor for these loans is the same US government that would have ransacked his life, frozen John Q Public's MAMA'S bank account, padlocked his grandfather's wheelchair, pried the braces off his kid's teeth and let him live on dog food and brown water in a shack until they were not only paid off but they were good and sure he didn't have shit left - anywhere in the world.

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