350: merging numerology with climate change.


Unknown said…
Another droup to AMP what's not truth nor acurate. What's wrong with these people...Sheeple I should say. Good post. Now for the truth...

The Hypnotic Trance From the Luciferian Mindset.

This is exactly how the luciferian mindset perpetuates events in the world to further the ultimate goal of a new world messianic order. Everyone on the planet is drawn into a hypnotic trance through the religious and educational systems of the world. This trance state is achieved using subliminal hypnotic suggestions that are flooded throughout the world, through the language and number systems. Because we believe the suggestions thrown at us, we actually make the suggestion happen. Much like when a stage hypnotist makes suggestions to his intended subject. The one hypnotized comes to see, that what the hypnotist suggested, is actually happening. However, it’s not happening, it only appears to be happening because of the suggestion.

This is the world system we’re living under. Suggestions are made through the systems that taught us how to think, and because we have been taught how to think, anything that fits within that realm of reason, will seem viable and real and we can’t be convinced otherwise. This is hypnosis.

An Inconvenient Truth, The Continuation of the War On Terrorism.

Al Gore, the master hypnotist, whose name really means – Roy-Al. There is no G sound in the old Hebrew, just a yud sound. Say Gore backwards with a silent E and you have Roy-Al. Would you believe a thing this All Seeing Eye Guy says? What is going on here is nothing more than mass hypnosis, causing the world to stay focused on a particular topic, whereby the concentration of thought energy actually causes the acceleration of global melting ice. Exactly in the same way as holding a magnifying glass up to the sunlight, aiming at a piece of paper, will cause the paper to ignite. The concentration of energy, which is nothing more than thoughts, causes heat to be generated wherever the focus is directed. This is kaballism, demonism, intellectualism, science, religion… you name it, this is how they’re making us do it to ourselves. They’re doing it deliberately, and methodically. This is setting up the human cull.

__________ Global Warming News Article – Dec.13, 2007 – Bali _________

BALI, Indonesia – Nobel laureate Al Gore accused the United States on Thursday of blocking progress at the U.N. climate conference, and European nations threatened to boycott U.S.-led climate talks next month unless Washington compromises on emissions reductions.

The former vice president urged delegates to take urgent action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, and told them that the next U.S. president will likely be more supportive of international caps on polluting gases.

“My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali,” said Gore, who flew to Bali from Oslo, Norway, where he received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping alert the world to the danger of climate change.

Asked about Gore’s charge, Kristen Hellmer, a member of the American delegation in Bali, said: “The U.S. is being open and working very constructively with the other countries that are here. We are rolling our sleeves up and really working to come up with a global post-2012 framework.”

Earlier, the United Nations warned that time was running out for an agreement aimed at launching negotiations for a successor to the Kyoto Protocol when it expires in 2012 and the talks in Bali were in danger of “falling to pieces.”
Unknown said…
The Hypnotic Trance From the Luciferian Mindset.

This is exactly how the luciferian mindset perpetuates events in the world to further the ultimate goal of a new world messianic order. Everyone on the planet is drawn into a hypnotic trance through the religious and educational systems of the world. This trance state is achieved using subliminal hypnotic suggestions that are flooded throughout the world, through the language and number systems. Because we believe the suggestions thrown at us, we actually make the suggestion happen. Much like when a stage hypnotist makes suggestions to his intended subject. The one hypnotized comes to see, that what the hypnotist suggested, is actually happening. However, it’s not happening, it only appears to be happening because of the suggestion.

This is the world system we’re living under. Suggestions are made through the systems that taught us how to think, and because we have been taught how to think, anything that fits within that realm of reason, will seem viable and real and we can’t be convinced otherwise. This is hypnosis.
Unknown said…
The recent movie “An Inconvenient Truth” (Al Gore) is produced on behalf of the entities causing the whole thing. Al Gore is genetically connected to the royal elite luciferian bloodlines that run the planet. Check out this name AL (EL or ELI – ancient Egyption deity) GORE (think blood and guts all over the place). Why do they know this is going to happen? Because they’re the ones behind making it happen. Why do the governments of the world all of a sudden, seem to be putting the WAR ON TERRORISM to the back burner and the WAR ON THE ENVIRONMENT is front and centre? Simply because they’re behind controlling the environment and the weather and they’re going to use it to cause massive de-population on many fronts! By the time you get to page 19 and 20 on this site, you will see for a certainty that the war on the environment, the global climate change, is nothing more than an extension of the fabricated war on terrorism. All this war stuff, is really just a war on humanity, hidden in Islamic extremist nonsense.

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