Inventor of engine that runs of Soda and 25% gas destroyed by powers that be.

Paul Pantone has invented the GEET Fuel Processor which you can run a car on 80% water or more. Paul has become a horrific example of inventor abuse by corrupt Utah officials and businessmen.

Paul Pantone is the ruthlessly persecuted inventor and developer of systematic experimental engines & generator modifications intended to double or triple gas mileage as they reduce greenhouse gasses & pollutants by over 90%.

Paul Pantone's energy efficiency system is called GEET (Global Environmental Energy Technology). Mr. Pantone has been developing it for 25 years.

When Pantone refused to sell out on his patents and technology, he was framed for securities fraud and railroaded to a mental ward at the Utah State Hospital in March of 2006 where he has been dying from intentional medical and caregiver neglect. Without significant public intervention, Pantone is likely to be dead within a year. Only a public outcry of support can save him. Your help can make a difference.

Paul Pantone

Since 2005 researchers of Eco Lodge(ic) Technologies(*) have been studying and experimenting with GEET technology. The first results were promising: a gas engine ran on 50% diesel and 50% water... The GEET Fuel Processor is miniature refineries which transform alternative fuel mixtures into GEET-gas which any internal combustion engine can run on.

Wondering why future electric cars such as the Chevy volt, will only be able to obtain a laughable 40 miles on a charge? Read more about the Horrible things done by the System to prevent his inventions from reaching the mainstream. When he was finally given some media time (1min), the video above is very negatively framed.


Palisade said…
Paul was just released on May 12th of this year according to and his release was also confirmed by Paul himself during his recent coast-to-coast interview.

Don't know if his gadget works, but it definitely upsets me when medically trained people try to "help" a person against their will. And with Paul Pantone we can literally see the evidence on his body that "helping a guy in need" was not what they were about. At best, these sort of institutions brutalize their patients chemically in order to keep them from causing trouble and annoyance. Note: A site called contains some exceptional essays about the "science" of psychiatry if you're interested.
aferrismoon said…
This is particularly foul. I saw Paul pantones stuff on video about 4 years ago. I don't know much about engineering but the world needs inventors rather than preprogrammed technologies that only help bank accounts.

Weren't corporations termed 'psychotic' in a documentary.

Psychiatry - the art of turning anything u say into a problem requiring further observation
Refusal = denial

This seems to be the thread running everywhere

believe what we tell u , to deny is just wrong, plain wrong.
From the hOlocaust, the 9/11, EU membership, etc etc etc.

'Don't think , just do' policies create mental illness by disallowing the mind any critical thinking.

Unknown said…
Wow, I was wondering recently what happened to this guy and his invention. Sad news about how geniuses are treated in our corporatio.. I mean country.
AubidadedBallad said…
Well from this we can clearly see the evolution of technology. I mean to have something upgraded So much from its original prototype model is simply amazing! What I also like about it, is since this has actually been around for a while, it gives its company higher authority since its company has focused on this specific product for quite a while already. Technology as we know it today has gone beyond advanced and to some of us, beyond the knowledge that we may even grasp!! But, to the younger crowd or to those who are still computer savvy, technological advances are really impressive
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