
According to Ellis Taylor, True Samhain 5th November in 2006, which also hosted a full moon. This Samhain moon is known as Dark Moon, Herbistmanoth (Harvest Moon) and Blotmonath (Sacrifice Moon). This is a time dedicated to the Scandinavian goddess Hel." The old Old Norse word Hel derives from Proto-Germanic * khalija, which means "one who covers up or hides something", which itself derives from Proto-Indo-European kel-, meaning "conceal".
So the point of all this is that Obama spoke when the day changed(12am) on SAMHAIN! Not a true samhain, but still.
He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader".


Dedroidify said…
Don't go to Dallas B...
Michael Skaggs said…
Didn't realize that, great catch!

Man do I feel rusty! Working more hours and arriving later, not having much time to blog or do research... I am very glad I have guys like you to catch things like this! Did you see Thuth's catches at Conspiracy Grimoire?


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