This isn't exactly relevant to you people outside of NYC but I live in BK, so I am livid. The mayor of NYC is a billionaire. Mr. Bloomburg was something like 26th richest when he first came to office. His annual mayor salary is $1 supposedly. Magically, he has become the 8th richest person. What a world we live in...The MTA's doomsday budget will wipe out the W line, zap the Z line and ax more than 1,500 NYC Transit jobs, the Daily News has learned.

The list of bus and subway cuts the Metropolitan Transportation Authority will unveil at its monthly board meeting Thursday is extensive and potentially bruising, sources said.

Riders can expect longer waits, more-crowded rides and having to make additional transfers to get to their destinations if the draconian moves are put into effect.

"Oh, this is not good," said Gladeys Loaiza, a housekeeper from Queens who rides the W train. "When I get on in the morning, I can't sit now. What's it going to be like when the W train is gone?"

According to sources, the cuts include:

- Elimination of at least a handful of bus and subway routes, including the W and Z subway train lines. The MTA's doomsday budget to be unveiled at a board meeting Thursday will include these NYC Transit cuts:

Positions: More than 1,500 axed - including approximately 350 administrators and managers; approximately 700 station agents and bus drivers combined.

- Fewer transit workers in the subways because 600 or so station agent positions will be axed and about 350 administrative posts.

- Longer gaps between scheduled trains at midday and between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.

- Expanded subway loading guidelines to allow for more crowding of trains.

- Eliminating bus service during late nights and weekends on dozens of routes that have low ridership.

"It's a nightmare on weekends if trying to go to Queens as it is," groaned Zack Frank, 26, an actor from Queens. "The MTA should worry about strengthening what it's got, not cutting it."

Brooklyn graphic designer John Demeo, 39, agreed.

"You can't get on the trains to begin with," said Demeo. "They're just overcrowded. They should work on service first before they raise the fare."

MTA spokesman Jeremy Soffin refused to comment on specifics of the budget.

Two subway lines - the G and M - would essentially be halved, with trains making far fewer stops.

MTA CEO Elliot Sander has said the authority will have to raise fares and impose drastic service cuts if Gov. Paterson and the Legislature don't adopt a bailout plan.

The projected 2009 operating budget has widened from about $900 million to $1.2 billion because of the weak economy and dramatically declining tax revenues, Sander said.

Sources said the budget plan will include layoffs in addition to jobs that can be vacated through attrition.

"We began internal belt tightening long before the financial crisis, and the budget released Thursday will start with more administrative cuts," Soffin said.


  • W and Z lines shut down completely.
  • No more express J-train service, makes all local stops.
  • G line nearly halved with the northern terminal being Court Square, Long Island City, Queens, at all times. No more service from Court Square to Forest Hills.
  • M line halved, making stops only between Metropolitan Ave., Queens, and Broad St., Manhattan.
  • B line trains arrive every 10 minutes weekends, up from 8 minutes.
  • Overnight: Scheduled gaps between all trains running between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. increased to 30 minutes from 20 minutes.
  • Midday: Schedules changed - less frequent trains from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - system wide so that trains carry more passengers: 125% of the seating capacity, up from current guideline of 100%.

Buses: A few dozen bus routes eliminated overnight and weekends, including X27 and X28 weekends. Bus routes targeted for less frequent service generally are those with lower ridership numbers or where subway trains are an option. A few routes running weekdays axed.

Some people are realizing this is another corporate scam, the key is in the comments.
Once again, where's Alan Hevesi now that we need him? They got even with him for exposing the MTA's 2nd set of books disclosing a $500 Million surplus at one of those other times they were crying poverty. Remember how fast that got swept under the rug by the Republicans in power shortly afterwards? Does anyone remember how the MTA spent over $400 Million just to renovate their corporate offices down on lower Broadway ..... THAT INCLUDED $170 MILLION IN MYSTERIOUS COST OVERRUNS? As another poster here asked, where's the extra $$$ from the increased tolls on the bridges and tunnels that are supposed to go to mass transit? As Elemer Fudd would say, "THERE'S SUMTHING AWFWY SCWEEY GOING ON AWOUND HERE"
And this one:
And to think, some blind governor, and a billionaire mayor, want to turn over the east river crossings, that have been free since their completion to these clowns to shore up their finances... because they cant with the revenue, from their other tolled bridges. ANY politician tolling the east river should be voted out in short fashion! Just the idea that a person in Brooklyn, would have to pay to cross Manhattan to get into Jersey or up to the BX is crazy.
Original article here.


Occult Mosaic said…
criminal scum, anything for a buck.
aferrismoon said…
Yeah but how can they afford public transport - u need to sybsidize Ford GM and Chrysler, and then drive their cars and BURRRRRRRRRRN whatever it takes to get u from A 2 B.
Wouldn't the Metro do that
That's Socialism , Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Doncha know nuttin'

Michael Skaggs said…
Damn! Guess they want people to walk!
WTF is up with that?

Hang in there bro!
Be well.
Anonymous said…
I live in Brooklyn too. That was a great article, I knew the MTA was a joke, but thanks for the details. I even heard about taxing the East River a long time ago, but they haven't done it yet. The only reason I moved to NY was because I wanted to live in a City where I wouldn't have to have a car. I would rather the MTA charged $3 and added stops instead.

Is it about the money really or is it about some people trying to destroy NYC some more?

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