Heroes, the butterfly, solar worship, and 9/11.

This episode of heroes was filled with monarch, solar, and Gemini symbolism. Now, many of the characters have "evil" Gemini twins. Some spoilers, so watch the episode before reading.
(season 3, episode 4)
Tracy doesn't know who she is, and is looking for answers.
The doctor 'created' her genetically for a corporation. Tracy learns there were 3 sisters created. Aren't those yellow lilly in the background?

"I can't help you, I've stepped on too many butterflies".

A child is "born" into the sun under a hexagon.
The new messiah?
Dad has two monarch butterflies are above his head (hard to see, click for full size). Again, this also continues the constant 'twin' theme.
The clock is in-between 9 and 11 precluding the big event. They are trying to find peter and catch him.

Peter finds sylar first, to steal his powers. Sylar wants to be called Gabriel, this is continuing the Armageddon (biblical) them.

Gabriel gives him a broken watch, to teach him how to control his ability. Again, it is stopped cracked in on the (9)11 pillars. This scene is right before a huge (nuclear) explosion (in the usa) that changes the future of the world.
The "bad" guys/alters arrive and start a huge fight. They hold Gabriel's son Noah, as a hostage.
Gabriel's sun Noah is killed by mistake.
Gabriel gets so mad he goes supernova, and blows up a large part of California.
Here is your Armageddon/911 mega ritual.

The 'king' soon to be president sits at a 'Kennedy' desk, flanked with the solar/phallic Chrysler building.
Tracy doesn't want her powers, and wants to jump off the double arched bridge.
Naturally, under the watchful eye of the solar/phallic obelisk!
Super-senator saves her at the last moment, from certain solar sacrifice.He brings her back to his white lily suite, for deprogramming. They quickly become lovers.
Press conference with new president and first lady.
'Costa Verde is gone, the single greatest tragedy in American history'.
That is it for now, what do you think?


peep the caduceus on the 2ns to last pic.
Indras Net said…
good stuff, diggs it! keep up the good work
Michael Skaggs said…
Great break down my friend!

I honestly am thinking that the symbols are so thick in all these movies and t.v. shows to push their "MK/Monarchs" into chaotic action, the ones they have put out there amongst the M-asses. Building up to their "apocalyptic" programming. Checkout some of Ben's brutal and weird posts a Pseudo Occult, I think we're getting some puzzle pieces to fit!

Be well!
Dedroidify said…
Cool post!

"Someone is manipulating us, someone powerful, hidden, and they must be stopped."

the only reason I'm still watching this is to decode it! Talk about murdering their own characters.
Benjamin S said…
Awesome write-up; this season has intrigued me (at least it's better than last season's mess imo) with how blatantly they're using the symbolism and themes. When the dude rose precisely over the phallic Washington Monument holding Tracy it was just too much! (considering in season 1 all her alter-personality mirror symbolism which I may post on; she can now freeze people so they SHATTER into a million pieces) I'm really glad you wrote this up, great job. Post before this cracked me up by the way. And I must say Hayden Pan is looking extremely fine all dark and evil in her opposite/"bad" alter in the future imo ^^.

I'd been thinking of writing some of the recent episodes up too; good to see other people thinking along the same lines. And I think Mike is on the mark with one of the reasons why they're put in so much these days.

There's so much in this show that you can come at it from so many different angles and I concur 100% with your top analysis, nicely done.


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