More mind control, shooting of ARKANSAS Democratic party chairman.

(Little Rock, Ark.) KTHV -- Little Rock police are on the scene of a shooting on West Capitol Street at the state Democratic party headquarters. The Arkansas Democratic Party says the chairman, Bill Gwatney, is hospitalized in critical condition after incident. Little Rock police say a suspect in the shooting was shot after after a chase that ended near Sheridan in Grant County.
A sales clerk at a flower shop across street from the party headquarters said that around noon, Gwatney's secretary ran into the shop and asked someone to call 911. She said a man had come into the party headquarters and shot Gwatney several times.
The suspect reportedly entered the party headquarters and asked to speak with Gwatney before firing three shots.
The 1300 block West Capitol was shut down after the shooting, just blocks from the state capitol in downtown Little Rock.
Officers said they pursued a white man in his 40's that fled the scene in a blue Dodge pickup truck. Police say the suspect was apprehended following a chase that stretched into Grant County, south of Little Rock. Police say the suspect was shot by Arkansas State Police troopers during his capture near Sheridan. The suspect's condition was not immediately known.
Stay with Today's THV and for more on this developing story.
ALSO Martial law in another part of state: Part of Helena-West Helena Under Lockdown.Some dark shit going on here, wonder what the motive was? Lots of death and destruction on August 13th....
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (AP) -- The killer of Arkansas' Democratic Party chairman had written his victim's name on a Post-It note and had two sets of car keys from his victim's car dealership, but links between the men and a motive for the slaying remains a mystery to investigators.