
Showing posts from December, 2009

Gunman kills 5 in Finnish mall shooting spree

A gunman opened fire inside a busy shopping center near the Finnish capital of Helsinki Thursday, leaving five people dead, police said. Four of the victims -- three men and one woman -- were killed at the Sello shopping center in Espoo, just west of Helsinki, police said. Some were employees of a grocery store at the mall, police said. A fifth victim, also an employee of the grocery store, was found later at an apartment in Espoo, police said, without offering details. CNN affiliate MTV3 said the victim was a woman. Police told a news conference hours after the shootings that they found a sixth victim, who they believed to be the shooter. Police had previously identified the suspect as 43-year-old Ibrahim Shkupolli. A gunman opened fire inside a busy shopping center near the Finnish capital of Helsinki Thursday, leaving five people dead, police said. Four of the victims -- three men and one woman -- were killed at the Sello shopping center in Espoo, just west of Helsinki, police s

Evidence Clearly Indicates Staged Attack on Detroit Flight!

Raw: US Cop Pulls Out A Gun During Snowball Fight

Numerology of IRAQ; Why do 30 people die everytime?

Just how often has the U.S. and NATO killed the Taliban in groups of 30 during 2009? The answer may surprise you: Adnkronos , 12/07/2009: “Up to 30 suspected militants were killed in a NATO airstrike on a Taliban hideout in eastern Afghanistan close to the Pakistani border on Monday. The airstrike targeted the village of Sangar Dara in the mountainous Watapur district of Kunar province , the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said.” SF Chronicle , 12/04/2009: “Air strikes in two areas of the Mohmand border region killed 30 suspected militants, a military statement said. It said the strikes were “highly successful” but provided no further details, including whether any civilians were hurt.” Xinhua , 11/04/2009: “The military said that the troops have killed 30 more militants during the last 24 hours, bringing the total fatalities to 400, as the operation in the country’s tribal area steadily progressed towards the Taliban strongholds in South Waziristan.” Xinhua ,

Raw Video: Darth Vader Opens Wall Street

David Wilcock on Norway Spiral, DNA Upgrade, 2012 and UFO Disclosure

People were saying it was HAARP from the beginning, certainly possible.

Scientists find Super Earth!

Astronomers announced this week they found a water-rich and relatively nearby planet that's similar in size to Earth. While the planet probably has too thick of an atmosphere and is too hot to support life similar to that found on Earth, the discovery is being heralded as a major breakthrough in humanity's search for life on other planets. "The big excitement is that we have found a watery world orbiting a very nearby and very small star," said David Charbonneau, a Harvard professor of astronomy and lead author of an article on the discovery, which appeared this week in the journal Nature . The planet, named GJ 1214b, is 2.7 times as large as Earth and orbits a star much smaller and less luminous than our sun. That's significant, Charbonneau said, because for many years, astronomers assumed that planets only would be found orbiting stars that are similar in size to the sun. Because of that assumption, researchers didn't spend much time looking for planet

Skull and Bones tomb revealed on video!

There was also these leaked photos of a skull and bones party. Not much to see there, but some symbolic artifacts on the walls.

Hexagon on Saturn re-emerges!

After waiting years for the sun to illuminate Saturn's north pole again, cameras aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft have captured the most detailed images yet of the intriguing hexagon shape crowning the planet. The new images of the hexagon, whose shape is the path of a jet stream flowing around the north pole, reveal concentric circles, curlicues, walls and streamers not seen in previous images. Images and the three-frame animation are available at , and . The last visible-light images of the entire hexagon were captured by NASA's Voyager spacecraft nearly 30 years ago, the last time spring began on Saturn. After the sunlight faded, darkness shrouded the north pole for 15 years. Much to the delight and bafflement of Cassini scientists, the location and shape of the hexagon in the latest images match up with what they saw in the Voyager pictures. "The longevity of the hexagon makes this somethi

Mysterious spiral portal spotted in Norway?

A mysterious light display appearing over Norway last night has left thousands of residents in the north of the country baffled. Witnesses from Trøndelag to Finnmark compared the amazing sight to anything from a Russian rocket to a meteor or a shock wave - although no one appears to have mentioned UFOs yet. The phenomenon began when what appeared to be a blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain. It stopped mid-air, then began to circulate. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre - lasting for ten to twelve minutes before disappearing completely. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded with telephone calls after the light storm - which astronomers have said did not appear to have been connected to the aurora, or Northern Lights, so common in that area of the world. The mystery deepened tonight as Russia denied it had been conducting missile tests in the area. Fred Hansen, from Bø in Vesterål

Lady Gaga serves the queen.

Blackpool has certainly never seen anything like the performance Lady GaGa put on at the Royal Vareity Show last night - and for all her years and travels, it's unlikely the Queen has either. The American singer famed for her crazy collection of outfits managed to outdo herself as she appeared on stage in a red latex outfit dressed as Elizabeth I. GaGa wore a long dress, complete with intricate ruffle and plus outlandish sparkly eye make-up and lipstick for an astonishing performance featuring a huge Dali-style piano. It was the highlight of an amazing night as the Royal Variety Show returned to Blackpool for the first time in 54 years. On that occasion Morecambe & Wise and Arthur Askey had entertained Her Majesty and Prince Philip. This time, as well as GaGa, the bill included X Factor winner Alexandra Burke and teenage star Miley Cyrus. GaGa arrived on stage to close the show with a 20ft train trailing behind the dress. She was helped on to a chair attached to a chain and hoi

The Abyssinians - Declaration of rights

Police Attack Students at the Anti War March in Times Sq, NYC after Obamas West Point Speech

Anti-Mask: New York Penal Law § 240.35(4) New York’s anti-mask law criminalizes the wearing of masks or disguises by three or more persons in a public place unless done in connection with a “masquerade party or like entertainment,” after obtaining a permit to wear masks from the police or other appropriate authorities. The courts have defined “like entertainment” as “social gatherings, dances, and performances that involve masks or costumes,” Under the current law, wearing a bandana tied around one’s face falls within the scope of the mask prohibition. The courts have held that the anti-mask law furthers the important governmental interest of deterring violence and facilitating the apprehension of wrong-doers who seek to hide their identity. Since 2001, both the New York City Criminal Court and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals have held that the anti-mask law is not overly broad or facially unconstitutional.

Before you buy cheap chinese goods for xmas look at these pictures of the environmental costs.

Click on image above

Dubai debt crisis just the tip of the iceburg.