
Showing posts from August, 2009

Good ole boys together again for kennedy's funeral.

A funeral Mass to honor the life of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was being held on a gray Saturday that matched the solemn mood at a Boston church packed with mourners. His renowned family, fellow senators and former presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, were attending the service at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the Mission district. President Obama is set to deliver the eulogy. The program opens with an undated quote from Kennedy : "For all my years in public life, I have believed that America must sail toward the shores of liberty and justice for all. There is no end to that journey, only the next great voyage. We know the future will outlast all of us, but I believe that all of us will live on in the future we make." California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican who is married to Kennedy's niece Maria Shriver, entered the church shortly before the funeral was scheduled to begin. The actor Jack Nicholson was also present, as was civil rights

Michael Jackson still alive? (video)

This could be a hoax, but it looks to be the same corner van. Many people stand to gain millions from his death, so it is definitely possible. There have been other possible death hoaxes, Machiavelli/Tupac. His casket was also closed at the funeral, what do you think?

WTC last column monolith erected.

The last column removed from the original World Trade Center building after the September 11, 2001 attacks returned to Ground Zero yesterday. The beam, and its graffiti messages and mementos, was raised up and put in place—it will be part of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. An ironworker told the Daily News , "For this to go up evokes emotion. It shows the rest of the world that even if you knock us down we'll get right back up." The 60-ton, 36 -foot beam's official name is "Column No. 1,0001 B of 2 World Trade Center," but besides the "last column," the NY Times calls it a "makeshift steel shrine," the Post dubs it the "solemn column," and the Daily News writes it was a "symbol of defiance in the face of terror." Retired firefighter Lee Ielpi , whose firefighter son Jonathan died on 9/11, "I spent nine months in recovery after losing my son. Seeing the column taken out was a happy-sad day. No

Obama Administration and defense contractors still running the Cocaine Business

The illuminati of CEOs' assistants (LOL)

(UnFortune Magazine) -- Social humiliation loomed. It was just moments before the dinner was to begin, and a senior executive at real estate firm Tishman Speyer realized that he had no idea which titles to use to properly introduce his guests, a group of American diplomats. Flummoxed, he called Carole Karpel, executive assistant to Jerry Speyer, Tishman's chairman and co-CEO. Karpel didn't know either, but she had a secret weapon on her shelf: a small white book with a quill on the outside listing the names and numbers of the 100 or so members of the Seraphic Society, an elite and secretive group of executive assistants to the most powerful people in the New York City area. "I remembered that one of our members was the former assistant to [former Secretary of State] Cyrus Vance," she says. "I just called her, and within three minutes she gave me the answer." Crisis averted. The request was nothing out of the ordinary for the Seraphic Society, which has serve

The war on Natural remedies continues

Carole Grant doesn't really trust medical doctors. She never has. Whenever she has had a health issue, she has headed straight for an herbalist, acupuncturist or other "natural" healer. A few years ago, her alternative practitioner of choice was a self-described "intuitive healer" in New York, where she lives. The healer put Grant on a regimen of herbs, supplements and vitamins to help her lose weight. A few weeks later, Grant, a geriatric care manager, was closing up an apartment for an elderly client who'd died when she started feeling strange sensations in her toes. "They were tingling like crazy," Grant said. "I thought it was the carpet in the apartment, because it was old and dirty, and I'd taken my shoes off." When the tingling in her toes spread to her feet, Grant knew that it was more than just the dingy carpet. When it spread to her legs, she knew that she was really in trouble. "Both legs went numb up to my knees,

The wizard of OZ in central park.

an you believe it's the 70th anniversary of The Wizard of Oz ? New York will get a little taste of Kansas Emerald City this September 24th, when the Tavern on the Green is transformed into the magical land. Here's the full press release , which explains the Emerald Gala, which will take place at Manhattan's historic Tavern on the Green, and will be hosted by its owner and CEO Jennifer Oz LeRoy , granddaughter of The Wizard of Oz producer Mervyn LeRoy . "The entire restaurant and surrounding grounds will transform for a night into the Emerald City, replete with a winding Yellow Brick Road. The Emerald Gala will feature a musical performance by Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter and actress Ashanti, who recently made her theatrical debut as Dorothy in the City Center Encores! production of The Wiz. In addition, Lorna Luft, the daughter of Judy Garland will honor her mother's legacy with a special musical tribute."

Miley Cyrus Works the Pole..

Miley Cyrus Works the Pole The teen superstar performs atop an ice cream truck at Sunday's show. Cyrus won five awards. (This is SiRIUSLY disturbing)

Photos of Monoliths on mars.

There actually seems to be 3 structures in a pyramid shape. Scientists at the university, who captured the image from a powerful camera on board an orbiting satellite, insist that the structure is a normal, if striking, natural phenomenon. But sci-fi fans are said to be drawing parallels with the mysterious monoliths used to mark a change in human evolution in Stanley Kubrick's classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey . The latest image was taken as part of the University of Arizona's HiRise (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) project. The camera is able to take high-resolution images of Mars's surface from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. In Kubrick's adaptation of Arthur C Clarke's novel, the origins of the monoliths are never fully explained. The University of Arizona has no such problems with their structure. Alfred McEwen, professor of planetary science at the university and HiRise's principal investigator, said: &quo

Small plane and helicopter collide over hudson

One person was rescued from the Hudson River on Saturday after a tour helicopter collided with a small plane, the Coast Guard said. A helicopter believed to have six people on board collided with a plane over the river between Lower Manhattan and Hoboken, New Jersey, New York Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne told CNN. Rescue divers and Coast Guard boats were searching the water. The helicopter belonged to Liberty Helicopter Sightseeing Tours. Arlene Salac, a spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration, said the tour company Liberty had confirmed the helicoper was one of its own. The plane apparently left from Teterboro Airport in Teaneck, New Jersey. Salac said radar contact was lost with a small plane this morning, and that is the one the FAA believes. Ron Marsico, spokesman for the New York Port Authority, said a small plane landed at Teterboro to pick up one passenger late Saturday morning. The plane took off at 11:54 a.m., he said. Plane believed to have taken o

Inventor of engine that runs of Soda and 25% gas destroyed by powers that be.

Paul Pantone has invented the GEET Fuel Processor which you can run a car on 80% water or more. Paul has become a horrific example of inventor abuse by corrupt Utah officials and businessmen. Paul Pantone is the ruthlessly persecuted inventor and developer of systematic experimental engines & generator modifications intended to double or triple gas mileage as they reduce greenhouse gasses & pollutants by over 90%. Paul Pantone's energy efficiency system is called GEET (Global Environmental Energy Technology). Mr. Pantone has been developing it for 25 years. When Pantone refused to sell out on his patents and technology, he was framed for securities fraud and railroaded to a mental ward at the Utah State Hospital in March of 2006 where he has been dying from intentional medical and caregiver neglect . Without significant public intervention, Pantone is likely to be dead within a year. Only a public outcry of support can save him. Your help can make a difference. Pau

UK's worst families to be put in houses with 24 hour surveillance

SIN BINS FOR WORST FAMILIES THOUSANDS of the worst families in England are to be put in “sin bins” in a bid to change their bad behavior, Ed Balls announced yesterday. The Children’s Secretary set out £400million plans to put 20,000 problem families under 24-hour CCTV super-vision in their own homes. They will be monitored to ensure that children attend school, go to bed on time and eat proper meals. Private security guards will also be sent round to carry out home checks, while parents will be given help to combat drug and alcohol addiction. Around 2,000 families have gone through these Family Intervention Projects so far. But ministers want to target 20,000 more in the next two years, with each costing between £5,000 and £20,000 – a potential total bill of £400million. Ministers hope the move will reduce the number of youngsters who get drawn into crime because