
Showing posts from July, 2009

Eliot Spitzer admits Federal reserve is a ponzi scheme!

After having his career and reputation destroyed by the powers that be, spitzer is now willing to speak out..

2001, the Monolith, Moon, and Solar eclipse..

Jay Weidner wrote a great article about Stanley Kubrick and his possible involvement in the faked moon landing . If you follow the arrow you can see where the set ended, and the rear projection screen began. You will see this phenomenon in every photo from apollo 11 that was not shot from above. Here is the original of first picture. Original Here The "United States" certainly looks like a taped piece of paper to me! Again, you can see where the set ends and the rear projection begins. I am sure this looks fine on a 6' black and white TV, but it looks FAKE as hell in HIGH RESOLUTION . In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey the appearance of the monolith is always preceded by a Solar or Lunar eclipse . The monolith is also the tool that helps humans realize higher consciousness. We are seeing these themes playing out right now ... June 12 Film 'Moon' US (limited) release. Very similar to 2001 movie: Lone Astronaut Sam B el l has a quintessentiall

Asia has longest eclipse of 21st century.

- Darkness fell across parts of China and India on Wednesday morning as a total solar eclipse passed across the world's most populous countries, bringing throngs of people outside to watch the phenomenon. Total eclipses occur about twice a year as the moon passes between the Earth and the sun on the same plane as Earth's orbit. Wednesday's event will be the longest of the 21st century, with astronomers predicting it will last more than six minutes. Wednesday's event will be the longest of the 21st century, with astronomers predicting it will last more than six minutes. People in a band running through parts of the Pacific Ocean, China and India will be able to get the full view of the eclipse. The Chinese city of Shanghai is being touted as one of the best spots to watch the eclipse, with tourists coming from across the globe to view the phenomenon, during which the sun's corona -- the sun's outer atmosphere -- becomes visible. "You can't find words to

Subliminal sprite sex ad banned in Germany.

Amazing, that this was even produced..This one got canned, but slowly and surely similar ads will get through. I would guess the intent was to get this banned, and create a viral video. This would allow much more people to see the video then if they broadcast it. The brainwashed populace are actually intrigued, and enjoy this commercial. Look at these comments . Another from same series.

Occult cancer propaganda posters.

Obelisk/sword, one eye, snake/caduceus, full moon/half moon, interesting that they used the astrological crab in the one advert!

Spanish Vogue makes Lohan the new Marilyn Monroe.

Lindsay Lohan to reinterpret the August Vogue the look of the great divas of film. Helicopters recording from the air, dozens of paparazzi climbed the mountain that leads to the Hollywood sign and firing their cameras from the most unimaginable, an entourage of about ten people - including his sister and her personal stylist surrounding diva. Welcome to a photo session with Lindsay Lohan (New York, 1986). The whirlwind that surrounds the life of the actress was evident during the shooting that became our home and where explosive-platinum-blonde, paid tribute to the divas of Hollywood, with her adored Marilyn, of which study said that all his films-like concerning indisputable. Next to movies, the world of fashion with this captivating actress considered one of the few talents of her generation. A collection of leggings and a self limited edition, Seven Nyne Spray Tan, raids are the latest fashion. Her idols, Karl Lagerfeld, Emanuel Ungaro and Kate Moss, whom she said she could start w

The Industry Part 34: Professor Griff talks of ritual sacrifice in the rap game.

Besides the slight christian slant, this is a great interview with professor Griff from public enemy. Skip ahead to 5min for the best parts..

The girls with 2 hearts..

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Hannah Clark is a 16-year-old with a shy laugh and a love of animals. She likes to go shopping with friends and dreams of a career working with children. But Hannah Clark is no ordinary teenager and her normal life today could not have been possible without a unique, life-changing heart surgery. In 1994 when she was eight-months-old, Hannah was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy -- an inflammation of the heart muscle that impairs the heart's ability to work properly. Hannah's heart was failing and she needed a transplant. But instead of taking her own heart out, doctors added a new donated heart to her own when she was just two-years-old. The so-called "piggyback" operation allowed the donor heart to do the work while Hannah's heart rested. But Hannah was not in the clear yet. As with any organ transplant, Hannah's body was likely to reject her new heart and she had to take powerful immune suppression drugs. Those drugs allowed her b

The italian G8 summit and other stupidity.

With President Obama in L'Aquila, Italy for the G8 Summit , three (hopelessly brainwashed) Greenpeace activists unfurled a banner on Mount Rushmore, next to Abraham Lincoln's likeness. The Washington Post reports , "The banner showed President Obama's face -- Greenpeace said it was an unfinished portrait, implying that Obama's legacy was in question -- and the words 'America honors leaders not politicians: Stop Global Warming.' " And soon after, the three climbers and other Greenepace activists were arrested. Little did those poor saps know, that the G8 leaders were already on the level. G-8 leaders focus on global warming While the leaders focused on "Global warming", Berlusconi had something else on his mind . Carla Bruni (slave?) knowing of his exploits, refused Berlusconi's tour of Rome . Thanks to "tommy" for finding this picture of Obama's wandering eyes. The pope not really liking blacks, was happy to present

MJ moonwalking funeral live.

The "brightest star" on earth in his Gold chariot. Today's full moon is fitting for a moonwalker ritual. Online TV Shows by Ustream

SUBLIMINAL MGM "anti-smoking" cartoon.

Updated: Joe Jackson's record company partners with bluestar technologies.

This was an interesting tidbit I missed earlier this week. So, what the heck is this new Blu-ray company that Michael Jackson’s father Joe Jackson was mentioning on the red carpet of the BET Awards Sunday that caused such backlash by those who felt it was bad form in light of his son’s death only a couple days earlier? Joe sat down to provide details exclusively to Hollywood Today Monday evening at a hotel not far from the family home in Encino with Jackson’s two partners in the new venture, Erick Hansen and Marshall Thompson. The bottom line, plans are in the works for some music of Jackson’s children to be released on Blu-ray (the elder Jackson does not have any claim to recent rehearsal footage, according to legal representatives for the family who asked not to be quoted), but no discussion of anything to do with Michael was permitted as you’ll see in the accompanying 3 ½-minute video condensation of the half-hour interview. As for the anger over Jackson’s timing of this announc