
Showing posts from February, 2008

The death star hotel in Azerbaijan.

This 521-foot-high hotel is coming to Baku, Azerbaijan, either to host a bunch of Imperial forces or obliterate the local population with a giant death ray.

The new world trade center is symbolic.

The developer of the new World Trade Center unveiled the designs this morning for three skyscrapers at ground zero, which in their gargantuan scale would reshape the New York skyline. The designs offered the most comprehensive picture to date of what the finished complex might -- just might -- look like six years from now. Above, the Freedom Tower is to the left of Towers 2, 3 and 4. Each building has a different architect — Norman Foster and Richard Rogers, both of London, and Fumihiko Maki of Tokyo — and the result is entirely unlike the monolithic uniformity of the original trade center. ... Lord Foster’s Tower 2, with a rooftop of four enormous diamonds steeply inclined toward the memorial below, would be as high as the Empire State Building. Tower 3 by Lord Rogers, framed boldly by an exoskeletal framework of diagonal beams, would reach a pinnacle of 1,255 feet at its corner antennas. Even the smallest and subtlest building among them, Mr. Maki’s Tower 4, would be taller than

Shot through the heart.

Steven Kazmierczak had been taking three drugs prescribed for him by his psychiatrist, the Northern Illinois University gunman's girlfriend told CNN. Jessica Baty said Tuesday that her boyfriend of two years had been taking Xanax, used to treat anxiety, and Ambien, a sleep agent, as well as the antidepressant Prozac. Baty said the psychiatrist prescribed the medications, a fact that made her so "nervous" that she tried to persuade Kazmierczak to stop taking one of the drugs. She said he had stopped taking the antidepressant three weeks before the Valentine's Day rampage on the NIU campus in DeKalb, Illinois, which left five students dead and 16 wounded. He then killed himself. In an exclusive interview with CNN Sunday, Baty said Kazmierczak had been taking the anti-depressant for obsessive-compulsive tendencies and anxiety caused by school pressures. She told CNN that, during their two-year courtship, she had never seen him display violent tendencies and she e

Saboteurs cut mideast cable!

Source Damage to several undersea telecom cables that caused outages across the Middle East and Asia could have been an act of sabotage, the International Telecommunication Union said on Monday. "We do not want to preempt the results of ongoing investigations, but we do not rule out that a deliberate act of sabotage caused the damage to the undersea cables over two weeks ago," the UN agency's head of development, Sami al-Murshed, told AFP. Five undersea cables were damaged in late January and early February leading to disruption to Internet and telephone services in parts of the Middle East and south Asia. There has been speculation that the sheer number of cables being cut over such a short period was too much of a coincidence and that sabotage must have been involved. India's Flag telecom revealed on February 7 that the cut to the Falcon cable between the United Arab Emirates and Oman was caused by a ship's anchor. But mystery shrouds what caused another fou

Castro steps down as president!

HAVANA, Cuba -- Fidel Castro announced his resignation as president of Cuba and commander in chief of Cuba's military Tuesday, according to a letter published in the state-run newspaper, Granma. The resignation ends nearly a half-century of iron-fisted rule that inspired revolutionaries but frustrated 10 U.S. presidents. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte said the U.S. embargo on Cuba will not be lifted in the near term. Castro revealed his plans without notice by publishing a letter in the middle of the night in state-run newspaper Granma. "I will not aspire to, nor will I accept the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief," Castro wrote. "I wish only to fight as a soldier of ideas. ... Perhaps my voice will be heard." President Bush said Castro's decision ought to spark "a democratic transition" for Cuba. "The international community should work with the Cuban people to begin to build institutions t

New JFK conspiracy evidence instantly declared 'fake'.

DALLAS, Texas (AP) -- A curious transcript purportedly about President John F. Kennedy's assassination has been discovered among boxes of memorabilia that were long forgotten in an old safe at the Dallas County district attorney's office. While the transcript reads like a conspiracy theorist's dream -- Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby plotting to kill Kennedy -- the DA's top assistant said it's likely material for a proposed movie. Other items found in an old safe on the 10th floor of the county courthouse include letters to and from former District Attorney Henry Wade, the now-dead prosecutor in the Ruby trial, The Dallas Morning News reported in Sunday's editions. Ruby shot and killed Kennedy assassin Oswald two days after the president's death. There are also letters to Ruby, records from his trial, a gun holster and clothing that probably belonged to Ruby and Oswald, said District Attorney Craig Watkins, who planned to discuss the find at a news confe

Excuses, excuses, campus gunman was off his medication!

DEKALB, Illinois (CNN) -- Steven P. Kazmierczak, identified as the gunman in Thursday's shooting rampage at Northern Illinois University, was "an outstanding student" who reportedly stopped taking medication recently and became "somewhat erratic," the university's police chief said Friday. Kazmierczak of Champaign, Illinois, opened fire on a geology class Thursday, shooting 21 people before killing himself. Five people were killed in addition to the shooter. All the victims were from Illinois. The DeKalb County coroner's office identified four of them: Daniel Parmenter, 20, of Westchester; Catalina Garcia, 20, of Cicero; Ryanne Mace, 19, of Carpentersville; and Julianna Gehant, 32, of Meriden. The fifth victim, Gayle Dubowski, 20, of Carol Stream, died at a hospital in Rockford and was identified by Winnebago County authorities. University Police Chief Donald Grady said people close to Kazmierczak have told authorities he was taking medication but h

More shootings, this time in California.

OXNARD, California -- Eighth-grader Lawrence King, who was shot Tuesday, was pronounced brain dead at 2 p.m. at St. John's Regional Medical Center after two neurosurgeons examined him, said Craig Stevens, senior deputy medical examiner in Ventura County Oxnard, California, police spokesman David Keith identified the victim as Lawrence King. He was shot in the back of the head Tuesday in a computer lab at E.O. Green Junior High School. The Associated Press reported 22 other students were in the lab at the time. The 14-year-old suspect fled immediately after the shooting , which occurred around 8:15 a.m. He was apprehended a few blocks from the school soon after the shooting, Keith said. He has been charged with attempted murder, and charges are likely to be upgraded. "It appears to be kind of a personal thing between these two students," he said Tuesday. "Some kind of beef." The Ventura County Medical Examiner's office said King was declared brain de

More school shootings!

Last night, the campus of Seton Hall University, 14 miles from NYC, was locked down for an hour after a man shot himself around 8:30PM . The man, identified as Anthony Papalia of Aberdeen, NJ, was not a student and was taken to University Hospital in Newark. The Star-Ledger reports that Papalia drove to the school's South Orange campus because he was "despondent over [a] breakup" with his girlfriend, a Seton Hall student. The police aren't sure when or where the shooting took place (authorities think he may have shot himself in the stomach while in his car) and ended up tackling Papalia when he "staggered into" Xavier Hall, a dormitory. Papalia's relatives had alerted the police . Seton Hall officials sent students text messages alerting them about a half hour after the incident ("Stay indoors. As a result of an incident in Xavier, all should report to and stay in their rooms until further notice.") and locked down the campus for almost

Bizzare Arson of South Korea's top national treasure

SEOUL -- Police have arrested a suspect in a fire that destroyed a 610-year-old landmark gate considered South Korea's top national treasure, media reports said today. Police arrested a 70-year-old man, only identified his family name Chae, on Ganghwa Island, just west of Seoul, today, Yonhap news agency said, citing an unnamed police officer. Cable news network YTN also carried a similar report. The fire broke out Sunday night and burned down the wooden structure at the top of the Namdaemun gate, which once formed part of a wall that encircled the South Korean capital. The structure collapsed as hundreds of firefighters attempted to put the blaze under control, officials said. The gate's large stone base remained intact. Police said the suspect's physical appearance and outfit matched those of a person witnesses said climbed up the stairs of the gate shortly before the fire started. Police also found a backpack and an aluminum ladder at Chae's house that the witnesses

3D version of Alice in wonderland, starring LINDSAY LOHAN?

Lindsay Lohan told Harper's Bazaar t hat she's gunning for the role of Alice in Tim Burton's " Alice in Wonderland" movie. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Johnny Depp also want the role, so Lindsay has some competition. She said, " I just hope they don't want an unknown, I really want this part. " Yeah, I'm really sure Tim is going to give the title role to a chick that hasn't had a hit since Herbie: Fully Loaded ! Tim talked about the movie and said, " The stories are like drugs for children, you know? It's like, 'Whoa, man.' I think it's an interesting challenge to direct. " Drugs for children? Lohan knows a lot about that. She would only inject sin into this children's story. She would probably tell Tim that she wants to do the entire movie topless and thinks they should add a sex scene between Alice and the Cheshire Cat. Burton's Wonderland is part of a new two-picture deal with Disney, one which will a

Brition Jailed for 4 years on invisible spec of drugs in DUBAI!

A father-of-three who was found with a microscopic speck of cannabis stuck to the bottom of one of his shoes has been sentenced to four years in a Dubai prison. Keith Brown, a council youth development officer, was travelling through the United Arab Emirates on his way back to England when he was stopped as he walked through Dubai's main airport. A search by customs officials uncovered a speck of cannabis weighing just 0.003g - so small it would be invisible to the naked eye and weighing less than a grain of sugar - on the tread of one of his shoes. Dubai International Airport is a major hub for the Middle East and thousands of Britons pass through it every year to holiday in the glamorous beach and shopping haven. But many of those tourists and business travellers are likely to be unaware of the strict zero-tolerance drugs policy in the UAE. One man has even been jailed for possession of three poppy seeds left over from a bread roll he ate at Heathrow Airport. Painkiller codei

Voting is for idiots! Examples of Super Tuesday fraud!

Are you sick of people chastising you for not "doing your duty as a citizen"? Calling all bloggers and friends out there for submissions! Comment with your good articles or evidence and I will add to the list! If you know any good articles explaining why not to vote I will accept those also. -thanks! #1 776,000 voters who have registered Nonpartisan lost because of extra " bubble " on ballot! #2 Video proof of California election fraud ! #3 Diebold voting machine key copied from pic on Diebold site! #4 Voters told pens had " invisible ink ".



Sweden's recycling police state.

Source As a Swede I get to hear a lot of the myths of how wonderful a country Sweden supposedly is — the " prosperous socialism " it stands for, a role model for the rest of the world. For instance, quite a few friends from around the world have commended me on Swedish recycling polices and the Swedish government's take on coercive environmentalism. The way it has been presented to me, Sweden has succeeded with what most other governments at best dream about: creating an efficient and profitable national system for saving the environment through large-scale recycling. And the people are all in on it! Everybody's recycling. The latter is actually true: everybody is recycling. But that is the result of government force, not a voluntary choice. The state's monopolist garbage-collection "service" no longer accepts garbage: they will only collect leftovers and other biodegradables. Any other kind of garbage that accidentally finds its way to your garbage

Will smith is HANCOCK, the summer will be symbolic.

Nice eagle will! Info here: There is also this movie, which ties together Mossad, OZ, and NYC. The target/bullseye is featured in the poster and website . INFO HERE

Giants score first touchdown, exactly at 9:11.
