
Imf Chief 777 Occult warnings for Stock market Crash

Is the Medici Family the original "Pawn Stars"?

The Medici Family allegedly was exiled from Florence never to be seen again. Look at the similarities between their family seal and the "pawn" symbol. Do you really think a family with excess of 100 Billion dollars could just disappear off the face of the earth?  Lorenza de'Medici is the only modern person to have kept the family name. She is a chef and cook book writer. We know the Family also married into Napoleon's in France and other empires in Europe. Gone in one form, but still very much around....

ISIS "Terrorists" Hold parade of captured US Military Vehicles.

Doesn't Seem to be much of a struggle. Maybe the keys for all these Vehicles were left under the floor mats. I thought it was unsafe to drive out in the open? ISIS MILITANTS WITH US PASSPORTS? ISIS the God of Magic is at work..

Kardashian Christmas Card Shows ALL-SEEING EYE ISIS EYGPTIAN THEME

This is from the person that had no ideal what the "Illuminati" was. How much symbolism do you see in this one still?

Britney Spears "channels inner Cleopatra".

Britney Spear wrote:  ' Channelling my inner Cleopatra today at Elizabeth Arden Fantasy Twist shoot. Fragrance is out in Sept. 1st look on Path.'

Prince Charles admits family connection to DRACULA.

Prince Charles is campaigning to save the forests of Transylvania, inspired by his ancestral links to Vlad the Impaler, the 15th century nobleman better known by his patronym, Dracula. Rapid economic growth in Romania - which is now part of the EU - means that the forests of the Carpathian Mountains are under threat from development and logging. The Prince is calling for the forests, some of the last untouched wilderness areas in Europe, to be protected before they are lost, like the woodland that once covered Britain. He claims a family connection to the area through Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, who earned the sobriquet Vlad the Impaler thanks to his favoured method of torture and execution. The 15th century nobleman, notorious for his bloodthirsty campaigns against the Ottomans and fierce repression of his people, is a distant ancestor of Charles's great-grandmother, Queen Mary. The total number of his victims is estimated in the tens of thousands, many killed

STEVE JOBS HAS DIED, 10/5/11 AT 7:36 AM.

Steve Jobs, the visionary in the black turtleneck who co-founded Apple in a Silicon Valley garage, built it into the world's leading tech company and led a mobile-computing revolution with wildly popular devices such as the iPhone, died Wednesday. He was 56. *Did this actually happen today, or is it a marketing ploy?*