
TAXES the cause of Plane crashing Into building in Austin, TX + very interesting suicide note.

A small plane crashed into a building in Austin, TX at 9:30 a.m. The building does not contain an FBI office; the FBI has an office at another building in the same complex. According to Austinist , "There's some wild speculation flying around Twitter that the crash was intentional. Statesman reports eyewitnesses stating that the plane approached the building at 'full throttle.' One nearby eyewitness described the plane's trajectory as 'very controlled.'" Update : "12:42 p.m.: The pilot of the plane had set his house on fire beforehand, stole the plane and crashed it intentionally, a federal official told CNN ." Please take a moment to read this guy's suicide note (.pdf) it is really interesting and sad..

Conspiracy theories arise from underpants bomber story

TSA Unveils New Genital Visualizers LOL

Full Body Scanner FAILS To Detect Bomb Parts During Demonstration (video)

Fever Ray's occult mindfuck.

If you thought lada Gaga was a mindf*ck..

Bin Laden claims plane bombing bid LOL

Now its just audio tapes of god knows who lol.

Teen Couldn't Convince Flight Crew His "Tefillin" Was Harmless

The airline that diverted a flight when a Jewish passenger started praying said it was forced to treat the incident as a bomb scare because the teen didn't clearly explain why he had strapped his tefillin — two small black boxes worn by Orthodox Jews during weekday morning prayers — to his head and arm. According to Chautauqua Airlines, which was operating the US Airways Flight from LaGuardia to Kentucky, "[w]hen our crew tried to discuss the issue with the passenger, they did not receive a clear response." "[I]n the interest of everyone's safety, the crew decided to land in Philadelphia, where a more complete investigation and follow-up with authorities would be possible," the statement continued, according to the Post . The grandmother of 17-year-old White Plains resident Caleb Leibowitz said her grandson "hadn't had the opportunity to pray, so that is why he did it on the plane." She told the Times that upon landing, police b...