
LRAD sound cannon used at G20 (video)


Obama's shockingly consistent smile (video)

Do androids dream of electric sheep?

Empire state building's symbolic new lobby.

This morning the Empire State Building took some time to show off its newly renovated Art Deco Lobby and restored historic ceiling mural, with architect Frank Prial (who did the Grand Central restoration) on hand. This is all part of a $550 million historical renovation, the lobby taking about $12.5 million of that. The NY Times reports that the pricey touch up brought back to life "two shiny Art Deco murals that disappeared from view in the 1960s." While no one wants to see history deteriorate in these landmarks, that's a big chunk of change to lay out! But maybe it all came down to lobby-envy; Anthony E. Malkin, the president of Malkin Holdings, who the building, said then entry had become “a real letdown,” in contrast to others around town.

"This is it" for michael jackson symbolism?

Michael is between two "invisible" pillars. Look closely at his feet, the white space makes and inverted pentagram. Distributed by Columbia (goddess) Pictures with the light "torch" in between 2 pillars. Which reminded me of these pictures showing perfect sun alignment with the towers. The horned hand motif is quite blatant. What is Less obvious, is the word " ISIS " dead center of the image. One final resurrection, somehow I doubt "this is it". You can watch the trailer here , the sets used are rife with symbolism.

3.4 million inhalable H1N1 vaccine doses available to infect the healthy.

"3.4 million doses of vaccines will be available," said Dr. Jay Butler, who heads the 2009 H1N1 Vaccine Task Force at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "All of that vaccine is the inhalable vaccine," he said Friday. That form of vaccine is marketed in the United States as FluMist and is approved only for healthy individuals between the ages of 2 and 49. Pregnant women are not allowed to get this type of vaccine because it contains a live virus (if you give this to your 2 year old you should be shot) . Butler added that he thinks there some flu shots may be available in early October as well, but he had a hard number only for the inhalable vaccine. Flu shots contain an "in activated ," or dead, virus. The 3.4 million doses of vaccine that will be shipped at the beginning of October are the first of 195 million doses the U.S. government has purchased from five vaccine manufacturers, Butler said. Last week, the Food and Drug Administration

Senate's health bill will fine you for not having insurance!

WASHINGTON – Sen. Max Baucus on Wednesday brought out the much-awaited Finance Committee version of an American health-system remake — a landmark $ 856 billion , 10-year measure that starts a rough ride through Congress without visible Republican backing. The bill by Baucus, chairman of the Finance Committee, would make major changes to the nation's $2.5 trillion health care system , including requiring all individuals to purchase health care or pay a fine, and language prohibiting insurance company practices like charging more to people with more serious health problems. "This is a unique moment in history where we can finally reach an objective so many of us have sought for so long," Baucus said. "The Finance Committee has carefully worked through the details of health care reform to ensure this package works for patients, for health care providers and for our economy." Consumers would

Ancient man used stone hills to navigate like GPS.

Prehistoric man navigated his way across England using a crude version of 'sat nav' based on stone circle markers, historians have claimed. They were able to travel between settlements with pinpoint accuracy thanks to a complex network of hilltop monuments. These covered much of southern England and Wales and included now famous landmarks such as Stonehenge and The Mount. New research suggests that they were built on a connecting grid of isosceles triangles that 'point' to the next site. Many are 100 miles or more away, but GPS co-ordinates show all are accurate to within 100 metres. This provided a simple way for ancient Britons to navigate successfully from A to B without the need for maps. According to historian and writer Tom Brooks, the findings show that Britain's Stone Age ancestors were "sophisticated engineers" and far from a barbaric race. Mr Brooks, from Honiton, Devon, studied all known prehistoric sites as part of his research. He said: 'T