
Showing posts with the label terrorist

French Female Isis Suicide Bomber Story retracted!

You may have heard of Hasna Ait Boulahcen, the woman who died in a  raid carried about by French police  in the days after the attacks in Paris. Or you might have seen her on the website of the Daily Mail, which said it  obtained exclusive photos of her , or the  New York Post , which dubbed her the  “skanky suicide bomber”  in a front-page story  That was the characterization those tabloids ran with: that Boulahcen was, as the Daily Mail wrote,  “a party animal with a string of boyfriends who had shown no interest in religion.”  Here is what was said to be a photo of Boulahcen lounging in a bathtub blown up onto the front page of the Nov. 20 edition of the  Post: The problem is that the woman that the  Post  confidently declared to be the “Paris suicide bomber” doesn’t appear to be her at all. That woman, pictured above, came forward today to say she is not Hasna Ait Boulahcen and has no connection to the group of people who carried out the Paris attacks. Instead, she sa


American al Qaeda member is a jew?

In a new anti-Israel, anti-U.S. video, an American al Qaeda member makes reference to his Jewish ancestry for the first time in an official al Qaeda message. In the video, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, also known as Azzam the American, discusses his roots as he castigates U.S. policies and deplores Israel's offensive in Gaza that started in late December 2008 and continued into January. "Let me here tell you something about myself and my biography, in which there is a benefit and a lesson," Gadahn says, as he elicits support from his fellow Muslims for "our weapons, funds and Jihad against the Jews and their allies everywhere." "Your speaker has Jews in his ancestry, the last of whom was his grandfather," he says. Growing up in rural California, Gadahn embraced Islam in the mid-1990s, moved to Pakistan and has appeared in al Qaeda videos before. He was indicted in the United States in 2006 on charges of treason and material support to al Qaeda , accord

FBI kills man with missile..

A U.S. missile strike in southern Somalia on Monday targeted a man wanted by the FBI, according to a senior U.S. official. It is unclear whether Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was killed when a U.S. submarine fired a tomahawk missile at the target, the official said Tuesday. The FBI wants Nabhan, 28, for questioning in the 2002 suicide bombing of an Israeli-owned hotel and the unsuccessful attack on an Israeli charter jet in Mombasa, Kenya. The U.S. military has long sought Nabhan because he is believed to be deeply involved in al Qaeda's East African operations, the senior official said. Ten Kenyans and three Israelis were killed when three suicide bombers detonated a car bomb outside Mombasa's Paradise Hotel. The bombing took place within minutes of an unsuccessful missile attack on an Israeli charter jet, which was taking off with 261 passengers and 10 crew members. The Pentagon on Monday confirmed that the U.S. military struck "a target against a known al Qaeda terrorist

ask al qaeda....

source CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Judging by hundreds of questions submitted online to al Qaeda's No. 2 leader, it seems the terror network's self-proclaimed supporters are as much in the dark about the its operations and plans as Western analysts and intelligence agencies. Among their concerns: Where will it strike next? Does it control small militant groups in the Mideast and Europe? Why hasn't it hit America again? Al Qaeda's media arm, Al-Sahab, announced last month that Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, would take questions from the public in an "online interview." More than 900 entries, some with multiple questions, were posted on a militant Web site before the January 16 deadline. So far, al Qaeda hasn't given any answers. Al Qaeda said only that al-Zawahiri would respond "as soon as possible," and the questions disappeared from the site after the cutoff date without any response. It is impossible to confirm independently