
Showing posts with the label scientology

Voice of Bart Simpson Robo-Calls for Scientology

We aren't usually much troubled by celebrities' affiliations with Scientology. Hell, Celine was a Nazi collaborator, and we still love his books. And we're not such fans of Look Who's Talking Too that Kirstie Alley's and John Travolta's religious beliefs would spoil it for us. We do like Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson et alia, but because she's just a voice we don't have much opportunity to look at her and say, "She really believes little aliens live inside her and has given $10 million to the people who made her crazy." That may be coming up in our heads more often, alas, since we heard this tape (found via Xenu TV ) of Cartwright robo-calling for a Scientology event. It's not so much that she starts by saying, "This is Bart Simpson" -- she quickly says she's just kidding and identifies herself. But she keeps talking in the voice of Bart as she announces "I'm now auditing on New OTVII," says t

Full Version of leaked Scientology Video available for download!

Look at all the products! Certainly a very flashy intro.. All I have to say is that this is the most ridiculous Multi level marketing scheme I have ever seen! You can download in full here.

Xenu is angry!

The church of Scientology really is seeking out that video and removing it from everywhere!

Tom cruise on scientology.

Like 2 monarch butterflies in love!