
Showing posts with the label police state

Raw Video: Riots in Kyrgyzstan

UK's worst families to be put in houses with 24 hour surveillance

SIN BINS FOR WORST FAMILIES THOUSANDS of the worst families in England are to be put in “sin bins” in a bid to change their bad behavior, Ed Balls announced yesterday. The Children’s Secretary set out £400million plans to put 20,000 problem families under 24-hour CCTV super-vision in their own homes. They will be monitored to ensure that children attend school, go to bed on time and eat proper meals. Private security guards will also be sent round to carry out home checks, while parents will be given help to combat drug and alcohol addiction. Around 2,000 families have gone through these Family Intervention Projects so far. But ministers want to target 20,000 more in the next two years, with each costing between £5,000 and £20,000 – a potential total bill of £400million. Ministers hope the move will reduce the number of youngsters who get drawn into crime because

Sweden's recycling police state.

Source As a Swede I get to hear a lot of the myths of how wonderful a country Sweden supposedly is — the " prosperous socialism " it stands for, a role model for the rest of the world. For instance, quite a few friends from around the world have commended me on Swedish recycling polices and the Swedish government's take on coercive environmentalism. The way it has been presented to me, Sweden has succeeded with what most other governments at best dream about: creating an efficient and profitable national system for saving the environment through large-scale recycling. And the people are all in on it! Everybody's recycling. The latter is actually true: everybody is recycling. But that is the result of government force, not a voluntary choice. The state's monopolist garbage-collection "service" no longer accepts garbage: they will only collect leftovers and other biodegradables. Any other kind of garbage that accidentally finds its way to your garbage

Baby JESUS gets GPS next step RFID..

MIAMI — In Bal Harbour, Fla., the Baby Jesus statue is back where it belongs. And just to make sure the statue doesn't go missing again, Jesus, Mary and Joseph will be equipped with GPS tracking devices. For six years, Dina Cellini has put up a Nativity display in Bal Harbour's Founders Circle. But earlier this month, someone took off with the statue of Jesus. Cincinnati resident Jeffrey Harris read a story about the crime online. "I felt bad. How could someone steal a baby Jesus?" said Harris, who celebrates Hanukkah, not Christmas. "Even though I am Jewish, I like the Christmas spirit," said Harris, a civil attorney. So he offered to replace the figurine. "He's a wonderful human being," Cellini said. "It's so fitting that this negative act ended generously." But now, Cellini is taking no more chances. In perhaps the ultimate merger of old and new, she plans to add GPS tracking devices to the statues. Cellini, using residents'

Police use watercannon on student protestors in amsterdam

What's next the scoops from Soylent green?

More Brutality, police taser man for speeding.

This is truly sick.. These juiced up highway cowboys will stop at nothing to make a quick buck.



It seems a little unreasonable and over the top to us. UK drivers pinched for speeding may soon be compelled to surrender a swab, too. If the authorities get their way, it's not just speeders they'll nab to build their DNA database, but even litterbugs will be asked to "donate." The UK's DNA database has recently come under fire for concerns that the stockpile is overly heavy with children and minorities. Treating everyone like a fugitive shows the government's basic contempt for its citizenry, and collecting reams of biometric data on the population is fraught with the potential for future abuse or invasion. While having DNA on file will likely lead to the solution of some crimes, it seems out of the scope of consequence for speeding. THE PEOPLE ARE GONNA ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN, WITHOUT JUST CAUSE??