
Showing posts with the label occult

Imf Chief 777 Occult warnings for Stock market Crash

ISIS "Terrorists" Hold parade of captured US Military Vehicles.

Doesn't Seem to be much of a struggle. Maybe the keys for all these Vehicles were left under the floor mats. I thought it was unsafe to drive out in the open? ISIS MILITANTS WITH US PASSPORTS? ISIS the God of Magic is at work..

Fever Ray's occult mindfuck.

If you thought lada Gaga was a mindf*ck..

Occult cancer propaganda posters.

Obelisk/sword, one eye, snake/caduceus, full moon/half moon, interesting that they used the astrological crab in the one advert!

Obama's occult health care symbolism

Health Care Organizing Kickoff: Host or Attend After decades of false starts, the dream of quality, affordable health care for every American is finally within reach. To succeed where others have failed, we must build a groundswell of support for real health care reform in every district and every state. And we have no time to lose. The caduceus, rising sun/disk, center pyramid, 3 stars, 3 steps on houses, 3 colors, nice symbolism! Original Here : It is your Barrack portal, don't forget to square the circle!

O.J. simpson found guilty exactly 13 years later, on 12 counts.

Former gridiron great O.J. Simpson was found guilty Friday of all 12 counts in the armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers at a Las Vegas, Nevada, casino hotel last year. Simpson, 61, and his co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart, 54, were charged with a dozen offenses stemming from the sports memorabilia heist. Stewart was found guilty of the same charges as Simpson. Simpson sat quietly and showed little emotion at the defense table as courtroom clerk Sandra Jeter read the verdicts. After the verdicts were read, deputies immediately handcuffed Simpson and led him out of the courtroom. Simpson and Stewart were charged with 12 counts, including conspiracy to commit a crime, robbery, assault and kidnapping with a deadly weapon. Carmelita Durio, Simpson's sister, sobbed as he was being escorted out of the courtroom, The Associated Press reported. As spectators left the courtroom, Durio collapsed and paramedics were called, court spokesman Michael Sommermeyer said. Sim

Blink 182 crash an occult hit?

A man who came across a fiery jet crash said he saw former Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker and disc jockey Adam "DJ AM" Goldstein trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies by ripping off their clothing. "We turned to the jet to try and see if there was anything we could do, but immediately, there was nothing anyone could do," William Owens told CNN affiliate WIS in Columbia, South Carolina. "I felt ill or sick to think that these lives were snuffed out at that point." The two men were in critical condition with extensive burns Saturday. The crash killed four other people on board, authorities said. The Learjet 60 carrying six people, including Barker and Goldstein, was taking off from the Columbia Metropolitan Airport in South Carolina on Friday night when it went off the runway. The plane crashed through light towers and an antenna array before crossing a road and stopping at an embankment, authorities said. Owens came across the plane wreck while

Pentagon 9/11 Ritual memorial goes live.

Adjacent to the Pentagon crash site, the memorial contains 184 units placed parallel with the trajectory of American Airlines Flight 77. Each cantilevered, stainless steel memorial unit hovers over a pool of water that lights up during the night. dawn of the dead..

Clark Rockefeller CAUGHT, case goes global!

(PASTED A BUNCH OF TIDBITS) Clark Rockefeller, who police have still not been able to conclusively identify, chose the aptly named ’ 618 Ploy Street ’ in Baltimore’s Mount Vernon neighborhood to start a new life under the name of ’Chip’ Davis. Rockefeller, an enigmatic man with a plethora of aliases, purchased a three-bedroom carriage house at 618 Ploy Street in the Mount Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore with $450,000 in cash two weeks ago using the name "Chip Smith," said John Day, the realtor whose company made the sale, in an interview with ABC News. Rockefeller's only tangible tie to the area was a dilapidated 26-foot catamaran he had moored in slip F-2 at Baltimore's Anchorage Marina for nine years, registering under the name Chip Smith. The vessel was not far from the Ploy Street home he purchased last month but was a wreck that had never sailed free from the slip, said the manager of the marina, Jim Roscoe, 43. Roscoe became part of the investigation arou

Tim Russert and the curse of 13

Shortly after 1:30 in the afternoon of June 13 , 2008 , Russert collapsed at the offices of WRC-TV , which houses the Washington, D.C. bureau of NBC News where he was the Bureau Chief, while recording voiceovers for the Sunday edition of Meet the Press . The District of Columbia Fire and Rescue service received a call from NBC at 1:40 and dispatched an EMS unit which arrived at 1:44. Paramedics on scene attempted to defibrillate Russert's heart three times, but he did not respond. Russert was then transported to Sibley Memorial Hospital , arriving at 2:23, and was pronounced dead at the hospital a short time later. [21] In accordance with American journalistic tradition, the public announcement of Russert's death was withheld by both the wire services and his network's competitors. [22] After Russert's family had been notified, retired NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw delivered, live on NBC, CNBC and MSNBC , the news of his death. [23] Russert had just retu

7/7/7 CNN Occult SYMBOLISM

Being 7/7/7 is it not interesting that "VENUS" Williams won the Wimbledon, 117 killed in Iraq, and the New 7 wonders of the World, ect. all in the Same day? The numbers 7, and 11 are repeated several times here. What do you think? UPDATE: CNN Headline News reported today a lucky birth. Born on 7/7/7, on the 7th floor of a Kansas City, Missouri hospital, weighing at 7lbs.7oz: Allistar Grinder. INTERESTING NAME FOR A KID ISN'T IT? SOUNDS LIKE OUR FRIEND THE "BEAST"

SJ Sharks NHL logo is masonic, so is Amd!

This shark is obviously a mason, or he wouldn't be dressed like that. It think he is part of a blue lodge anyways. But seriously, could this be any more obvious? Besides the compass and square, there is also the pyramid and possible eye of RA symbolism. I just realized their logo is the compass and the square! Their logo also features double cube, and don't forget the multiple pyramids. I wanted to point out the more obscure reference below.

NASA are the purveyors of the Cosmic Occult.

Purveyors of the Cosmic 'Occult ' To a non-scientist, the words 'radio occultation' might sound a little spooky. But this relatively simple NASA-developed technology at the heart of a new satellite network named Cosmic is proving to be a powerful new tool for weather and climate forecasting. Launched April 14, 2006, the six spacecraft of the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate measure the bending and slowing of microwave radio signals as they pass through Earth's atmosphere. The signals are transmitted from U.S. global positioning system (GPS) satellites to Cosmic's GPS science receivers, which were designed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. These bending and slowing events, referred to as occultations, occur when the GPS satellite signals are interrupted as the satellites rise or set on Earth's horizon, blocking their transmission. Haha, this one is funny. Notice the name "radio occultation" and then they