World's biggest building coming to Mother RUSSIA.

STORY SOURCE 'Moscow’s rapidly growing skyline will soon feature an eye-popping new addition: Crystal Island , which will be the world’s biggest building when completed. Sir Norman Foster’s mountainous 27 million square feet spiraling “city within a building” will cost $4 billion and it is scheduled to be built within next 5 years. The Crystal Island will be Lord Foster’s second large scale project in the Russian capital, and his third new building design that resembles a volcano (we’re talking about his two mountainous buildings in Astana, Kazakstan) . Although many people are calling this design the ‘Christmas Tree’ of Moscow - we can’t help but be reminded of the utopian and also rather volcanic X-Seed 4000 design for Tokyo . Unlike that pipe-dream project, however, Foster has a track record of getting buildings built , so the likelihood is high that we will see this striking structure towering over the Kremlin within 5 years time. The statistics for the project are absolutely...