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Will Smith I am LEGEND, elluminati blog's first video mashup.

As pointed out by others, the Monarch butterfly makes several appearances in this movie. The first one is in Times "SQUARE". It flashes by really fast in less than a second, so i didn't include the video cause its hard to see. Will Smith's daughter "Marley" randomly says, "look daddy a butterfly" as the family is trying to leave the quarantined NYC. This was so random and unwarranted in the movie, it left me puzzled when i saw it. I included the clip in my video. In the movie Will Smith lives at 11 Washington SQUARE. Right in front of the two Pillarmids! The clock in Grand Central makes an appearance. I spotted a Joker card, as a placeholder in Will's Almanac. Who is the fool now? There is this scene in the Egyptian reflection pool, that was also pointed out by Jake. In the movie, Will Smith is trying to get out of NY to escape the zombie virus. I guess he is sick of Washington and Times Square! What confirms the Death/Resurrection theme is ...