Hot off the heels of the Mario Galaxy sync, comes another one from Southpark. The boys from Southpark are transported in a mythical sun Zeppelin airship to IMAGINATION LAND. On the way there, they pass by the Dog headed god Anubis giving snarf a push down the waterslide. There is a sacred spiral Fibonacci fountain, and healthy patch of amanita muscaria. There is also a spiraled sun clock in the center of town. The boys are greeted by the lovable pan. The bee sports butterfly wings in this world! As soon as they get there, 'terrorists' blow up everything. Stan takes shelter under a giant mushroom. The symbolic tower is destroyed. During the turmoil, boys escape on a flying dragon (draco) ala the movie dragonheart . Who plays the voice of Draco in that movie? None other than our stargate traveling, indiana jones'n, Scottish 33rd degree, 007, Sean Connery . Interesting sync here, huh? The story continues....We come to find out that our octagon symboled 'terrorists...