Justin Bieber gets Hebrew tattoo.

Justin Bieber and his father pose topless, showing off their matching tattoos. A newly-released photo shows the father and son in Israel earlier this year where they had the etching done together. The pair had the word 'Yeshua,' - which many believe to be Jesus' Hebrew or Aramaic name - etched onto the left side of their torsos. The name Yeshua frequently appears in the Hebrew Bible to describe Joshua the High Priest. Bieber first showed off the etching when he went on a Hawaii break with girlfriend Selena Gomez in May. It came as Justin's second tat, with the teen seemingly sharing his father's love of the ink. The Baby singer also has an etching of seagull on his left hip, which he had done to celebrate turning 16. Justin's Christian faith is important to him, with the star saying prayers in English and Hebrew before going on stage to perform. The singer was raised primarily by his mother Pattie Mallette, but he has remained close to his father over ...