
Showing posts from April, 2009

Silvio Berlusconi gives gold necklace to his 18 year old slave.

You would think that Silvio Berlusconi's wife would be thrilled that her busy husband found time to attend an 18th birthday party. Well she wasn't - because the party was for someone else's pretty young daughter. Mr Berlusconi's long-suffering wife, Veronica Lario, lashed out after his appearance was gleefully reported in the Italian press. She said in an email to Italy's national news agency ANSA: 'That really surprised me because he has never come to the 18th birthday parties of any of our children despite being invited.' The Italian prime minister, 72, has three grown-up children with Mrs Lario - Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi - and two from a previous marriage. But he also sees himself as 'little daddy' to blonde teenager Noemi Letizia, the daughter of a business associate (who sold his daughter to this sick f*ck). He was the surprise guest of honour at her recent 18th party in Naples, and gave her a necklace and signed photograph of himself


Follow the herd! WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The World Health Organization prepared to raise the pandemic threat level from swine flu to phase 5 on Wednesday as the virus spread and killed the first person outside Mexico , a toddler in Texas. "Things are moving fast," a WHO? source told Reuters. Nearly a week after the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, first emerged in California and Texas and was found to have caused deaths in Mexico, Spain reported the first case in Europe of swine flu in a person who had not been to Mexico, illustrating the danger of person-to-person transmission. Phase 5 is the WHO's second highest level of warning that a pandemic, or global outbreak of a serious new illness, is imminent. (its over people, end of world) "It is clear that the virus is spreading and we don't see evidence of it slowing down at this point," Dr. Keiji Fukuda, WHO acting assistant director-gener

TSA to Take over Subway Bag Checks for NYC.

Source The New York Police Department is shrinking, and the department can't hire the number of cops it would like to (Bullshit). Fox 5 News has learned that help is coming from security screeners at the area airports. They'll be replacing some police officers in the subway who do bag searches. But some critics say this is just another clear example that the economy has affected security. Within the next two months, Transportation Security Administration bag screeners from Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark Liberty airports will be replacing most NYPD cops in the subway that screen bags for explosives. Because of the police officer shortage, the NYPD needs to take these police officers and put them on the street to fight crime. The TSA would not confirm this program is taking place, but did tell Fox 5 News that a program like this would not affect safety at area airports. This is how it would work: About 30 TSA screeners a day will be pulled from the three area airports Monday th

73 cases if swine flu confirmed, global fear mongering begins.

- Seventy-three cases of swine flu have been confirmed worldwide, the World Health Organization said Monday. Forty of those cases are in the United States, 26 in Mexico, six in Canada and one in Spain, a WHO representative said. Hundreds more cases are suspected, especially in Mexico, where as many as 103 deaths in Mexico are thought to have been caused by the virus, the country's health minister said. More than 1,700 cases have been reported but not confirmed in the country. Federal officials confirmed 20 new U.S. cases on Monday. A federal official said they were at the same school in New York in which eight U.S. cases were confirmed earlier. More than 100 students at the school were out with flu-like symptoms last week. President Obama said Monday that the swine flu outbreak is a "cause for concern and requires a heightened state of alert," but is not a "cause for alarm." He added that the federal government is closely monitoring emerging cases and had

Michael jackson is a double headed phoenix.

Look at his eyes, he's not looking so happy anymore. Shopping for antiques to fill the void.

Army's "Green" ammo also causes cancer.

In the 1990's the U.S. Army introduced a new set of " green " training ammunition designed to be less toxic and more environmentally friendly than the lead-filled rounds used before. But these new bullets may have left firing ranges contaminated and exposed soldiers to a new health hazard. Soon-to-be-released research suggests that a key element in the new ammo, once thought to be safe, may in fact be carcinogenic. The Army has stopped production of the bullets. More than 90 million rounds of the "green" training ammunition has been used in the United States, since its introduction. It relies on a blend of tungsten and nylon, or tungsten and tin. That gives the bullets the same density and firing properties as the original, but without using lead. Tungsten was considered non-toxic. And it was thought to be "non-mobile," unlikely to dissolve and travel, so it wouldn't get into the groundwater. But new research by University of Arizona Research Pr

Obama signs forced national service into law.

WASHINGTON -- Calling on Americans to volunteer, President Barack Obama signed a $5.7 billion national service bill Tuesday that triples the size of the AmeriCorps service program over the next eight years and expands ways for students to earn money for college. "What this legislation does, then, is to help harness this patriotism and connect deeds to needs," said Obama, a former community organizer in Chicago. "It creates opportunities to serve for students, seniors and everyone in between," he said. "And it is just the beginning of a sustained, collaborative and focused effort to involve our greatest resource - our citizens - in the work of remaking this nation." Joining Obama was Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who has been battling brain cancer. Kennedy championed the legislation with Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and the bill was named in honor of the Massachusetts Democrat. Kennedy told the audience that included former President Bill Clinton, New York Mayo

Scientists discover an almost Earth-sized planet.

HATFIELD, England – In the search for Earth-like planets, astronomers zeroed in Tuesday on two places that look awfully familiar to home. One is close to the right size. The other is in the right place. European researchers said they not only found the smallest exoplanet ever, called Gliese 581 e, but realized that a neighboring planet discovered earlier, Gliese 581 d , was in the prime habitable zone for potential life. "The Holy Grail of current exoplanet research is the detection of a rocky, Earth-like planet in the 'habitable zone,'" said Michel Mayor , an astrophysicist at Geneva University in Switzerland. An American expert called the discovery of the tiny planet "extraordinary." Gliese 581 e is only 1.9 times the size of Earth — while previous planets found outside our solar system are closer to the size of massive Jupiter , which NASA says could swallow more than 1,000 Earths. Gli

Death through taxes.

Follow the money, thats not even counting all the hidden money. Look up some CAFR in your town and you will be shocked at what you find. A nearby high school in NJ had $167 million in assets, and still raised taxes that year! Its all just a giant shell game we are to ignorant to understand.

Digitally remasterd Beatles Albums coming 09/09/09, or 666.

For fans of The Beatles, 09/09/09 will mark a new invasion . The Fab Four will be made even more so when the remastered Beatles catalogue is released in September. Apple Corps Ltd. and EMI Music have announced that as the date for the release of the entire original Beatles catalogue, digitally remastered. That includes all 12 Beatles albums in stereo, with track listings and artwork as originally released in the UK. The package will also contain the LP version of "Magical Mystery Tour" (initially released as a double-EP in Britain, though available on CD since 1987) and the collections "Pas

Binghamton shooter harrassed and abused by "undercover" cop.

The suspect in last week's deadly shooting at a Binghamton, New York, immigrant center believed he had been harassed for years by undercover police officers, according to a letter received by a New York television station and purportedly written by that suspect, Jiverly Wong. Police said they were studying the two-page letter, neatly written in broken English, to determine its authenticity. But the package that arrived Monday at News 10 Now in Syracuse also contained photographs of Wong with two handguns, his gun permit and his driver's license. "There's several things in there that indicate to myself and the district attorney that suggest mental health issues as well as there may be some religious connotation," Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski told 10 News Now, "but until we get a chance to have mental health professionals, have some religious people look at it to determine what it really means, I'm really not going to comment on it any further a

Jewish control of the media

wow, impressive..

Dov Zakheim: 9/11 Mastermind?


Jupiter's great storm spot has shrunk 15%.

- Everything about Jupiter is super-sized, including its colorful, turbulent atmosphere. But there's fresh evidence that one of the planet's most recognizable features, the Great Red Spot, is shrinking. The spot, which is actually an ancient monster storm that measures about three Earths across, lost 15 percent of its diameter between 1996 and 2006, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have found. It shrank by about 1 kilometer (about 0.6 miles) a day during that time period, said Xylar Asay-Davis, a postdoctoral researcher who was part of the study. Astronomers have observed for years that the clouds of the Great Red Spot have been waning, but this newest research focused on the motion of the storm -- a much more reliable way to measure its size, Asay-Davis said. He and fellow Berkeley researchers Philip Marcus, Imke de Pater, Michael Wong and Sushil Shetty developed software that tracked the movement of the spot's cloud patterns over long periods o

Thousands protest G20 summit in England.

Gotta love that banner. Dead "Canary Wharf" This year London is using some special riot tanks. This is their secret weapon. LONDON, England (CNN) -- Scuffles were reported outside the Bank of England building in central London, as protesters gathered at the heart of Britain's financial district ahead of the G-20 summit. The summit brings together leaders and financial chiefs from the top 20 industrialized and emerging economies, along with leaders from non-G-20 nations. Top of the agenda is the current global financial crisis. Police warned that the British capital faced an "unprecedented" wave of demonstrations in the lead up to the meeting. CNN producer Simon Hooper reported that as anti-capitalist and environmental campaigners converged on the Bank of England at midday (7 a.m. ET) for an event dubbed "Financial Fools Day," pink paint was thrown at nearby buildings. Minor scuffles between protesters wearing black masks and police broke out, as th