
Showing posts from March, 2009

March Madness..

Investigators worked Monday to determine why a 45-year-old painter busted into a North Carolina nursing home on a horrific shooting rampage that left eight dead and several others injured. One possible clue: the gunman's estranged wife works at the 110-room Pine lake Health and Rehab, where authorities say Robert Stewart shot and killed seven residents — most in their late 80s — and a nurse who cared for them. "We're certainly looking into the fact that it may be domestic-related," said Carthage Police Chief Chris McKenzie. cKenzie said Monday he believed the couple were recently separated, but acknowledged he didn't yet know many more details about her. A neighbor said Stewart's estranged wife is a certified nurse assistant at the nursing home named Wanda Luck, and public records indicate she shared an address with Stewart in Carthage. Several telephone numbers for Luck or her family were dis

The symbolic stuff that comes in my mail.

Oxford Today Unfortunately, this is the shit that I get leftover from the previous tenant in the apartment. You think this is symbolic enough? White gloves, earrings, urn, hilary 2009, writing on her head, ect. I learned this from this issue.. Hilary Term is the second academic term of Oxford University 's and Dublin University 's academic year. It runs from January to March and is so named because the feast day of St Hilary of Poitiers , 14 January , falls during this term. All the other terms are dated from this day in the following way: Michaelmas term — 13 Sundays before to 5 Sundays before the feast day of St Hilary Hilary term — 1 Sunday to 9 Sundays after the feast day of St Hilary Trinity term — 15 Sundays to 21 Sundays after the feast day of St Hilary The term originated in the legal system. The Courts of England and Wales divide the legal year into four terms: Hilary, Easter, Trinity and Michaelmas. Previously, this was the only thing I knew about oxford. Build

Media will not allow ISRAEL to be criticized!

Another day, another political cartoon controversy ! This time the center of attention is Pat Oliphant, the world's most widely syndicated political cartoonist, and his recent cartoon depicting a goose-stepping soldier pushing a giant Star of David shark into a defenseless woman and child. In case anyone misses the subtle message here, the woman is labeled "Gaza," and the illustration is tagged "jackboot justice" on the United Press Syndicate site . The cartoon has already appeared on many of newspaper websites, including the New York Times, and last night reporters from CBS 2 fanned out around town to get reactions. Janis Rodin of Kips Bay opines, "It's against Israelis and it says they are attacking Gaza, but there is nothing coming from the other side." But Mohamad Abdoul of Bay Ridge thinks the cartoon accurately conveys "the reality" of the lop-sided war between Israelis and Palestinians: "When I see this Israel, too, power i

Some badass prints for you to Checkout.

Not the usual post, but I've become a bit of a print connoisseur lately. The original above. Its only $25 shipped, pretty awesome work. Gotta love the double cross mad hatter. Check it out:

It is now illegal to feed homeless in ORLANDO.

They are setting the precedent for more cities to do this. They make it illegal to feed the homeless in this economy? What happens when things get worse?

Volcanoes, plane crashes, and doubt.

BUTTE, Montana (CNN) -- The father of one of the families on a private airplane was piloting when the flight crashed into a cemetery, killing all 14 people on board, federal investigators said Monday. Investigators have not named the victims. St. Helena Hospital in St. Helena, California, said an ophthalmologist who worked there was killed, along with his family ( Mount St. HELENS was last major volcano in us, St. Helena is a volcanic island.) . "The St. Helena Hospital family is filled with such deep sadness over the deaths of Dr. Erin Jacobson, his wife Amy, and their three children, Taylor, Ava and Jude," the hospital said in a written statement, adding, "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of each victim of this terrible tragedy." The Napa Valley Register reported that the Jacobson children were 4, 3, and 2 years of age. Seven adults and seven children were on the plane traveling for a ski vacation, investigators said. They did not


LAREDO, Texas (CNN) -- Rosalio Reta sits at a table inside a Laredo Police Department interrogation room. A detective, sitting across the table, asks him how it all started. Eyes wide shut? Gabriel Cardona, who shows his tattooed eyelids, worked as a hit man for a Mexican cartel.

Friday the 13th; Anna Nicole's boyfriend and Doctor charged

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Anna Nicole Smith's longtime partner and attorney, Howard K. Stern, and a doctor were jailed Thursday on charges of conspiring to furnish drugs to Smith before her death in 2007, authorities said. Anna Nicole Smith's boyfriend Howard K. Stern was among those charged Thursday. Stern and Dr. Sandeep Kapoor were arrested and later released from a Los Angeles County jail Thursday night after each posted a $20,000 bond, a police spokesman said. Dr. Khristine Eroshevich also faces charges and is expected to turn herself in Monday, authorities said. The d

Gunman Kill 16 at German school, and the Geneva/Janus connection.

3/11 WINNENDEN, Germany (CNN) -- A gunman dressed in military gear killed 15 people Wednesday in a shooting spree in Germany before he was shot dead by police, police spokeswoman Renate Roesch told CNN. Tim Kretschmer, 17, began his rampage at a school where he used to be a student in Winnenden, a small town near Stuttgart. "The suspect broke into the school. He went into the classroom and shot wildly around himself and left the building and fled on foot," Hans Ulrich Stuiber, another police spokesman, said. Three teachers and nine students were killed at the Albertville-Realschule Winnenden, Roesch said. The shooting, which began around 9:30 a.m. , lasted about two minutes, police said. On his way out of the school, the gunman killed a person who was working in a hospital nearby, then hijacked a car, taking an occupant hostage. He drove to the nearby town of Wendlingen, kicking the hostage out of the vehicle on the way, said Leo Parzinger of the Wendlingen police. He

Attempted school shooting in Woodstock, foiled by police.

These school certainly has a symbolically loaded insignia. Queen's crown a the top, wtf? ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Authorities arrested two high school students in suburban Atlanta on Thursday after they were warned that one of the students planned to "do harm" at the school with a weapon, police said. Sgt. Jay Baker of the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office said Woodstock Middle School, Woodstock High School and Etowah High School were put on lockdown -- meaning no one could enter or leave the buildings -- after authorities learned of the threat. Police arrested Forrest Busby, 17, at Woodstock High School and found a revolver he is said to have brought to school and hid in the bathroom ceiling, authorities said. A subsequent search of Busby's home turned up an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and a Mini-14 assault rifle, as well as 200 rounds of ammunition, Baker said in a statement. Six marijuana plants were discovered in the student's closet. A 15-year-old st

Nicolas Cage's syncromystic film: The knowing.

Watch a higher resolution trailer here The trailer opens with these pyramid hand sigils, followed by these illuminating production companies. It doesn't get much more obvious than this. Keep in mind that cage's production company is SATURN FILMS . Saturn syncromystically aligning with Cage's Heart/galactic center. William Dawes elementary school, he was one of the "sons of liberty". The white-gloved masonic time capsule ritual. 3 pillars, or first 3 steps of masonic tracing board exposed. The Blue shirts, and ribbon, representing the blue lodge. The school has the north star in the logo, along with another cluster of 3 stars. The 8 point star of the time capsule, surrounded by 3 rings. Only D(el) laptops are used in this classroom. Saturn is shown in the center of the classroom. 2 red stars, 7 balloons in the background. The "6" train hits the "Lafayette" pillar. Cross-quarter solar window. Plymouth air crashes during a rainstorm. The ladd