
Showing posts with the label 8 signs of terrorism

John Elway's 8 Signs of Terrorism propaganda (video)

You may know John Elway from such a hits as Super Bowl XXXII and Home Improvement episode "The Eve of Construction." But the retired Denver Broncos' quarterback has now found a new drive in fighting terrorism, as you'll see in this gonzo instructional video "Recognizing the 8 Signs of Terrorism," which was produced in partnership with the Colorado governor's Office of Homeland Security, and the FBI, thanks to a federal Homeland Security grant. The video ticks off the eight things for patriots to look for when paranoid and xenophobic in Colorado, or anywhere. It was produced by The Center for Empowered Living and Learning (The CELL), a self-described "non-profit institution dedicated to addressing the most important global issue of our time - terrorism." The CELL operates a terrorism museum in Denver, centered around the multimedia exhibit, "Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: Understanding the Threat of Terrorism." The $7 million exhibit was p...